

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

day 1 of my exercise routine

was reading twc this morn till im beginning to feel fat=X
the book is far too boring so i decided to go for a jog.
waited for the rain to stop, chged and off i go.
i thought i'll stop after 4 rounds but i made it to 7! wahahahahaha.
happy kid is me:D:D

went home && print the slides and readings and prep to head to sch to get tb from some senior.
i was late for 20mins and he's still smiling when he passed me e book.
i felt so guilty.
i wenta some gsr at SIS to mug my twc.
didnt knw SIS has so few gsr but managed to find one empty one.

just mugging all the way.
nth much today once agn.

something random.
i really love cardigans/jackets/hoodies with pockets.
when im feeling cold at somewhere, it always feel great to put my hands in the pockets.
i always thought smu pullover has jacket.
sometimes i'll unknowingly try to stuff my hands into some 'pockets'. LOL.
i wan more hoodie with pockets=X

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