

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Boring CNY as usual

I don't exactly like Chinese New Year even though it may be the only time of the year that you will get to see those far far away relatives.

The few days of CNY holidays are probably the most boring days of my life every single year but it's a much needed rest. When I was younger, I looked forward to Chinese New Year because of the CNY goodies, red packets, playing barbie doll or monopoly with my Aunty Madeline(2 years older than me),... I am looking forward to none of that as I grow up. I haven't seen that Aunty for a long time. I still wish to meet her during festive seasons to ask about her uni life, to talk about jobs prospect, financial news(if she wants to since she just got a job offer from a bank),... Our conversation topics will never be the same too. CNY is probably even more boring for me for the past few years since I wish all of my relatives to disappear from my house so that I can do my work in my upper sec and JC days. It's better now in the sense that I actually can talk about jobs and financial stuff with some uncles. All I needed in this festive season is just a drink and hangout with some friends at night.

Reunion dinner:

 Mousey says hi!

House visiting!~

Sis with the shades I bought for bro from Thailand. HAHA. My Casio lousy camera was with them the whole afternoon.

With Grandaunt Lucy.

Went to Alvin's Godma house and Auntie Margaret's house before heading to Zouk for Dash Berlin:DD

CNY 2nd day:

Talk to love for a lil while before he left for school!

Random icecream+movie with Tinghao at night.

So glad to have done that on the first day of CNY with a whole random group of people from all over the place. I probably have no more friends to go out for random drinks with or to club with. My life's sad. Dash Berlin is really good. So much better than the previous house DJs I went to with Alvin. I bet he'll like that night too. It's just too crowded that I got super irritated towards the end. Overall it's great. I just feel that Zouk really overestimated their capacity. They should really make the event more exclusive and limit the number of people. I don't like crowds that much anymore and lost interest in R&B music. Phuture sucks ttm. I am just glad to open my mouth and ask random friends out just like that. Life's getting boring. I don't know what I am doing most of the time. I am still busy with school work... Probably just feeling empty and at lost for many other areas. Just a bunch of running man episodes and chick flicks/wedding flicks will usually make me feel better but less so now. I am just frustrated in the way some things work and how I tried to manage them. I hate making myself looking like an airhead and talk about meaningless stuff but you probably can't expect me to speak too much intellectual stuff within those limited times. Maybe I don't even know what I am saying anymore.

So tired and soooo reluctant to head to school today!
The dress is so fitting that it feels like I am wearing Cheongsam. LOL.

My fav song recently. My mood is all screwed up again. This song makes me miss dancing too.

&& I will try to fix you. 
Can I ever be fixed?

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