

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 8 Without Love - USS

Had a fun filled day with my besties at USS today! Too bad Angelina can't join us. She just touched down last night. Ah well. We had fun!:D:D
I love the "Human", "Cyclone" and the Mummy ride even though I am actually quite scared of heights. Really satisfied after taking twice of these 3 rides:D:D
We pretty much combed the entire USS. Everything that was opened that is. But we missed some shows like the Monster Rock and Donkey Live. I love the Shrek 4-D Adventure, Lights! Camera! Action! Hosted by Steven Spielberg and Waterworld. That's pretty much what we managed to catch but I love them!
The carousel was disappointing. It's going too fast and there were so many people. It just didn't give me the feeling I want. Disappointing!
The bigbig minus point was the price of the food. We spent $10.50 each on normal Singaporean food! Tsk. But we were too lazy and tired to look around for other food. No more 2nd time.
I think the entrance fee too USS was well-spent. I am really happy today though I think I'll wake up with no voice tmr. Haha<3<3

 The auntie totally don't know where to focus. LOL.

Tried thunder tea rice at Food Republic for the first time. My dialect is Hakka but I have never ever tried any Hakka cuisine before. I was too tired and hungry so I just randomly get this as dinner. It's surprisingly nice! Hehs. Will try more of that next time.
I was talking to Weiqi and we suddenly came to this topic about people thinking that we are too pampered. It's as though we are some high maintenance princess. I totally didn't think much of this. I am just angry when people thought that I can't walk but in fact I love walking and walk a lot more than my friends without complaining but still happily walking. && when people thought I can't eat at hawker centre when I am not rich at all. && when people think that I can't do my own dishes and many more. But in fact I can do all of them. I don't get to do housework nor cook at home cos someone in my house will always do it for us. The minute I step into the kitchen and try to cook or something, my mum or grandma will totally come in and ask if I need any help. I just don't have the chance to do it and it's not that I don't know how. I know how to iron my own clothes, do my laundry,... There's a big difference between knowing how to do something and wanting to do it or not. I love walking. Just don't like grass and mud. I'll live if we get to wear covered shoes or best, Wellington boots. I can endure mosquitoes bite quite well without scratching. Maybe just feel irritated but I'll not scratch it cos I don't want a scar. I don't even sleep in. In fact I can't. I'll be happy if I can sleep past 8.30am. I tried to roll around in bed but I just can't sleep in even if I slept at 5.30am or what. 
We all have a choice. Just because we shop&&doll up and don't do certain stuff like go hiking or something doesn't mean that we can't . Just didn't know that Weiqi feels that way too. WE ARE NOT PAMPERED PRINCESS. Hate it when people thinks that I am bimbotic too.

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