

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 7 without love

Love is in China now. Facebook blocked. Twitter blocked. Blogspot blocked. How sad how sad. Email rocks now.

Sneezing the entire day plus giddiness. Gahhh.

Today we had a farewell lunch for Jennifer.

 This is how messy our room is:X LAST WARNING TO JUNYI! She's really bad at taking photos!

 Junyi dressed down cos she has training today.

 Chinese department with Mr peh and Mrs Peh:D

 There's only 3 of us in the Chinese department when I first joined Just in Dec 2009(:

Mr Peh kept teasing me about how fat my face is now or entirely maybe. Am I that fat now? He kept saying that I should slim down. Ahhh.
Mrs Peh caught me for my nails. I think they are going to check again. Grhhh. Need to get more pants/skirts/dress for work.

The kindergarten kids totally made my day today!
Zacheus smiled to me for the first time.
He always have the sad&&falling-asleep face. Don't know why today he looks so happy. I even heard him laugh for the first time:D:D He's sooooo cute! He kept smiling to me. He really looks like Yen(his mummy). Dimples. Awwww. Melts.

Lizhen's daughter, Rachel, made my day too. Why are all the K1 kids so cute? I really feel like kidnapping one of them home:X Jennifer came down to take photos with the kindergarten teachers && when I told her how cute the kids were, she's like -.- "Cos you don't have to take care of them the entire day. Just try." Haha. Cute little nightmares.
I was complaining to all the teachers there about how Mr Peh kept commenting that I am fat and 郑老师begin teaching me how to go on a diet. Hers worked. She really slimmed down a lot. Like 4 kgs? Haha.
I turn to Rachel and asked, "Rachel, is teacher(me) fat?" Then she kept shaking her head. Hehs:X

Chat a lil with Keryn's parents. They told me about what Keryn told them about me and how she wish I don't have to go back to school and just work at the centre so I can teach her. Haha.

I look very pale in the photos. Flubug. Shoooo....
Anyway, my colleagues are saying that my makeup is too light.
Gah. I like the previous foundation cos the coverage is good. This one is more natural. I thought natural is good? Some people say my makeup is too thick. Now in office, they say it's too light. Why is it so hard to find a balance?

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