

Monday, May 2, 2011

Roller coaster. I seek peace.

First day of work!
I am back to Just!

I really don't like the place I am sitting now:(
Still glad to see Zishan && Patti! It's sad that we can't be in the same office. Hmmhmms.
I can't talk much at my new place too. Gah. Tomorrow is a dangerous day but I think I'll just wear some office-y dress.
Ah well. Will enjoy work even more when all the enrichment classes open during the holidays:D:D
I wonder what I have to do for before and after school care. Should be fun too right? Can I just run around with them? Hehs.

Met love for dinner after work. A short one again but he's also one motivation for me to go back to Just. It'll be so much nearer and convenient for me to meet him especially now is the exam period for him:D
Didn't even bother to pull out my iPod on the train back home. Kinda had enough of music during work.

Many surprises today && results is one of it.
So far it's veryvery bad. I didn't expect this. Really.
Sad but I sort of mentally prepared myself for this and I kept reminding and telling myself that yups... I think I have tried my best.
Hope Zishan give me more work to do tomorrow and keep me busy. Plus exchange stuff for Wed. Busy enough ya. Need to keep myself sane. Friends can ask me out on Wed too(:

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