

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I enjoyed church service today.
Everything Pastor prince said today was rather relevant to what's happening recently and my thoughts maybe.
I really enjoyed today's service except that it's freezing cold. Grrrhhh.
Had Mcbreakfast with Angelina and Wilfred. 
I enjoy chatting with them. Hehs.
Okay la. Wouldn't feel like a super bright lightbulb anymore(Am I???). Haha.
Happily talking about the election and the possibility of joining them and Weiqi for a lil getaway:D
But Wilfred was so cynical!
He don't believe that I can walk a lot. I bet I can survive well going to ulu places with them. Tsk!

They sent me home and I tried to remove the nail polish for my remaining fingers.
It's so hard to remove! Was doing that before leaving home for church and that's why I was late too:(

Met Ziting, Zhengxiang, Szehan, Yanling and her boyfriend at J8!:D
It's Yanling's birthday celebration!:D
We had fun at Icing room. It's ROOM not PALACE. Hehs. We all got it wrong.

Yanling is a very cheerful girl. I love her smile. She seems to be ever-smiling. Hehs.
Szehan too! All of them have very bright personality. Must always stay sooo happy:D

I love looking at Ziting and Zhengxiang.
Both of them care so much for each other.
Zhengxiang is 木木得可爱.
He may be a blockhead but he cares a lot about his family. A family man. The most important thing is that he cares a lot about Ziting. So sweet:D:D

Was talking about eyecandy with the girls.
I don't remember when was the last time I had an eyecandy? 
Sec 4? 
All my eyecandies last year were girls. LOL. There's something wrong with me.
I eyecandy you && you eyecandy me. So fun saying that. Must be feeling damn happy too.

I left early so didn't join them for korean bbq.
We must meet up again sooooooon:D:D
Hope all of them will hear from those universities that they applied for soon.

Nearly forgot to blog about this.
On the train back to Bishan while the rest of them to Bugis, an old lady had an epilepsy relapse.
We were quite a distance away from her and we only knew what happen when all the passengers sitting near her stood up suddenly and move away from her.
At first no one bother to help her. All those sitting around her were looking scared.
I'll have a shock too if I am sitting next to her but I still feel that they should do something to help her.
1 guy went forward to help her after a while. He looks like he just completed NS or something.
No one bothered to press the emergency button as well. Zhengxiang pressed it.
I don't know what will I do if I sit beside her but I guess definitely not just stood up and trying to run away from her. It just doesn't feel right. I don't like what I see then.
Why the people around her didn't bother to help her? Disappointing.
But I suddenly realise the good of having National Service in Singapore...

Went home to change and went to Jurong Point to meet love.
Decided to blend in with the mugger him so I changed into my SMU tee and wore spects out but gahh... He thought I'll dress up cos I was going to meet Ziting and all first so he dressed up but uh... I prepared to look very casual today so I didn't even apply make up at all. Haha. 
But all the excitement was almost gone by the time I reached there. 
I know he's busy. I don't feel like disturbing him too.
Wanted to see him but I know for sure his dinner break gonna be exceptionally long when he meets me. Oh well... Really really miss him super a lot uh. Oh well... Exams will be over soon. I have a lot to worry about too. Must overcrowd the thoughts of him!
Anyway, I think I am okay with the distance now. Can think a lot. It's sort of a training for me too! Gombak again from tomorrow onwards!
&& I must completed my draft/final draft of the reasons for wanting to apply for international exchange.
I am super lousy at this kinda thing && results are super bad to date. Hmms.

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