

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Guess at the end of the day, no one can make me as happy as you do...

Hola! Gonna update as much as I can before school starts^^

I went to the Wicked musical with Aunty Mollie, Aunty Sharon and Aunty Mollie's colleagues.

It was really good. It totally changed my perception of the Wizard of the Oz. Even though it does not have all the fancy costumes like that in The Lion King Musical, I guess it's inspiring enough. Something worth watching before school start but not for kids and it might be a lil boring for people who totally don't know anything about the Wizard of the Oz. Quite a few people left very early or arrived very late and left after a while. I don't exactly remember the story but I know what I am going to expect in the Wicked. Read a lil about that when JY was so enthusiastic about catching in London when we were there. I really enjoyed  it:) Let's defy gravity.

Some photos from Newcastle!

Look at this lil darling! So cute!

The boyfriend went to catch a soccer match at Newcastle. Man U vs. Newcastle. Man U lost but he said it's a good game^^

More shots of pretty castles^^

He bought a Fred Perry shirt. It looks like table cloth right? Haha.

I guess I have been harping about how I haven't change the battery of my Guess watch and that I want a new pair of watch too much. Love got me a pair of watch from Fossil:O So pretty<3

 Didn't get to talk to him last night. FaceTime early this morning! He's back to London with better Wifi connection^^
 I can never look good when I wake up too early.
 It's his midnight when he FaceTime me this morning. Haha. Poor baby has to wait for his laundry to be done in 3 hours. In the end I just ask him to sleep and just leave his clothes in the washing machine. Haha. Rushed to get ready for tuition after talking to him^^ Talking to him always make me a happy girl^^

Photos from York!

Love told me that there's nothing much to see at York but this looks like Diagon Alley in Harry Potter^^

Beautiful church... Really hope to get a chance to go Europe and tour the romantic and dreamy ancient churches.

Oh! && Aunty Mollie just sent me photos of Baby Ethan from Rebecca! He's really growing too fast. I bet Rebecca hopes he don't grow up too fast so she can enjoy her motherhood more:)

Baby Ethan says hello to Uncle Alvin!

I guess love can always guess when I really miss him too much that I was about to cry. He'll totally make me cry when he started asking if I am crying. Guess Running Man couldn't really numb my senses that much. I was telling him how I can still pretend that maybe he did come around visit me when I fell asleep. It's just that he's busy with some stuff so I can't see him in the day. Haha. I later felt that this sounds even sadder and made myself so sad after that:( This makes it sounds like he's already... Ahem. Touch wood. Sometimes I do imagine he is still around me. It's just that when I extend my arms to hug him, I can't feel his warmth anymore.

School is starting soon! 5-day week + tuition on Sat + tentatively going for EYE on Fri + I don't know what to do for SAAT:O Maybe I'll be having another Econs student soon too. Just want to save more $$. For what? I am not too sure yet, though I'll like to have a Macbook pro since forever and waiting for iPhone to come out in Sep! I know it's still far but I guess I should start planning now. School is starting and I caught myself staring at the awesome travel deals for Summer. Sighs. Love will start his internship as soon as he comes back and I'll probably be doing one straight after my last paper so I guess... That's no point looking at it now. Looking so much at a beach getaways. This holiday's is a lil disappointing, too last minute, too rush and too short. Sighs. &&There's no beautiful sandy beaches.

Decided to countdown month by month. So now... 9 more days to 4 months left without love! I wonder how long can I endure this. Sighs.

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