

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I miss holding your hand

I miss holding your hand, I miss hugging you, I miss you giving me a kiss on my forehead whenever you send me home,... I miss you.

It's a wonderful and quiet weekend before school starts. I went to church with Alvin's parents, had lunch with Alvin's parents and Uncle Ivan and Aunty Christine and shopped around Daiso. Oh. && We got lost trying to find the carpark lobby to get to Uncle Max's car. Haha. If Alvin's around, this probably won't happen. HAHA. Okay. Not so funny. But I enjoy spending time with them. It's good that I understand most of the dialect too. Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese. Won't get too bored having meals with them and all. Teehee.

Aunty Mollie and Uncle Max went to catch MI4 and I FaceTime with the boy again^^

Happy to see the boy as always!^^ He's in Spain now. Living in some random hostel while looking for an apartment. Prayed a lot for his safety and hopefully he'll be able to meet kind people along the way during his exchange. I think he is only gonna start school on the 16th Jan? Still have a long way to go for him to be familiarised with the places and all. Hope he'll find an apartment soon and have awesome housemates!

School is going to start tomorrow. It's weird leading a life without love now. Leading a whole new semester with him is going to be worse! Hmms. I am having the jitters now. This is so horrible. This holiday is too short, the next semester is going to be so crucial and I am going to face everything myself once again. My prof haven't uploaded a single thing so I can't really study something to calm myself down other than reading textbooks and probably watching Running Man and Law&Order now before I sleep. Sighs. I seek peace in You, Lord.

Some resolutions accompanying the start of school... Hmms:

1) Exercise at least 4 times per month
2) Save at least $100 per month when I am still teaching tuition
3) Write down 5-10 things that I am thankful for, everyday
4) Plan my time wisely and always revise my work everyday despite all the projects and whatever
5) Lose at least 2 kg in half a year through exercising and not massive dieting like before
6) Pass my BTT and start driving lesson ASAP and pass it on the first try!
7) Memorise how to go home from the boyfriend's house. On the road I mean.
8) Apply hairmask every single day as instructed by my hairdresser
9)  Plan my time properly and start dancing again(To start planning from 16 Jan onwards since it's the second week of school already.)
10) Attend EYE sessions and learn how to invest in stocks. Don't want to lose to boys in this area anymore
11)... Till then.

I have to pull up my GPA, I have to stop thinking about the boyfriend and feeling sad, I need to keep my mind occupied. Oh my, I think I am getting myself involved in too many activities in the coming semester~

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