

Monday, January 9, 2012

First day of Year 2 Term 2

This is probably the first time that I was feeling so stressed up over school and cried to sleep the night before school starts. I really dread going to school. Too much are at stake this semester. I just couldn't do it alone): I will still work hard and give in all my best this semester and take a gamble for the last time. But I really hate this): Sighs. I brought Mousey to school today. Haha. He was in my bag all along... He don't like school too. He said it was too cold. He is my study partner now(took the photo using Path).

MPW(OB) lesson with Prof Ma is pretty good even though I am gonna have a mpw project meeting this Thurs already. I am glad that my groupmates are all very motivated students and the one exchange student from Korea isn't the go-exchange-to-slack type. He came from a prestigious university in Korea. I forgot the name of the university. Don't know much about Seoul but he loves to watch Running Man too. At least there's something to talk about. Haha.

Marketing lesson after that wasn't so bad with Dylan. I was so used to having Huihui in all my class so I felt so nervous for marketing and probably appeared too unfriendly. Wed's lesson, I'll try to be nice. I promise!

I forgot to bring my 2012 diary out so updated it when I got home. This 2 pages did make the day love returns looks not too far away.

Wore all black today. Been wearing a lot of dark colours after the boyfriend left for exchange. Don't really wear dark colours much around him cos he loves bright colours. Oh well. It doesn't really matter that much now. &&Black pretty much reflect my mood the best recently. &&Huihui says darker hair colour suits me better. The boyfriend said the same thing too.

Tried to take a photo of my comfy Zara top. Love it so much! It's just a long sleeves Zara basic black top that's really long and so comfy! My shorts are a lil too short so I look as though I was wearing a ultra mini dress but this is so comfortable. Will probably go get another one of a different colour. Was thinking if I should get the white one when I was getting the black one but it was too translucent. I am kinda a Zara basics addict now. &&also for G2000's cos they are so comfortable. *swoons* Still have another navy blue Zara blouse with a tiny ribbon that I haven't started wearing. Probably gonna save it for CNY. Gonna just save the money for cny clothes to pay my bills. Spent too much in Dec. Sighs.

In the pass I seldom tell the boyfriend what I am unhappy about, he'll keep asking until he gets fed up. LOL. But it's so different now. The amount of time he gets to be online is so precious. So I'll just tell him everything whenever he's online. As someone who don't know how to console other people, he's probably having a hard time trying to make me feel better.

Hmmm. Finally updated the things I am grateful for today in my diary. Count our blessings!

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