

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Marry Me

Listening to Marry Me while start on Tax questions got me so distracted. I need to blog^^

I wanted to blog yesterday but I fell asleep reading Ethics tb while Mousey is listening to music. I need to study so y'know... Mousey don't have many friends at my house so...

He has Alvin all his life. It's the same empty feeling that I am feeling now so we gonna take care of each other. I am still not gonna bathe him though he smells now. It's Alvin's sweaty smell so can't wash it away. That's the only thing with Alvin's smell now. HAHA.

Bro saw him with my earphones and commented,"Why your bear so cool?" I don't understand when is Mousey a bear?? It's a Panda.
Aunt saw the same thing and was checking to see if there's really music playing. HAHA. My family is really comical sometimes. Gonna let Mousey meet Huihui's Penguin brother during my 21st birthday celebration with her. She's already planning:O Hehe.

&& I think I dozed off for about an hour and I was jolted up from my lil nap at around 12am by iMessage alert. OMG. Love text me! It's rare that he can talk to me during afternoon over at London. So must FaceTime!!!

Look at my swollen+sleepy+blur face. I don't know why I was so tired last night. But Wifi over at Newcastle was really bad. So the call kept disconnecting and connecting. I was secretly falling asleep when he was trying to connect. We gave up in the end and stick to iMessage, reading the stories he was trying to tell me. But I was so groggy last night and couldn't pay much attention. I didn't run yesterday! Just suffering from a lil muscle ache from the previous run. Ah. He was so bored last night. How I hope I wasn't sleepy last night and talk to him more. He was telling me how he is always eating food that reminds him of me and how that brings him closer to me. My current favourite is M&S sweetmeal digestive biscuit and he was telling me that he was eating that too. Keke. Text him till I really couldn't move anymore and fell asleep as though I suddenly drop into a coma:O I was lying on my tummy with 1 finger still on the screen of my iPad which was still showing the iMessage page when I waken up by the iMessage alert in the morning. I didn't turn my body at all. LOL. That's how tired I was. He should be at York by now!

Our FaceTime on 3rd Jan when he went back to his hostel early at Edinburgh:

We spoke a lot that day and he sent me many photos!<3

Photos of us before he checked in. Aww... That feels so long ago. I miss my light brown hair.

Love at Buckingham Palace. I miss London!

Why he neh take photo with the fountain near the palace? So pretty. Btw, that's Elizabeth and me in J1:X

Love having some Pork Belly sandwich?? Eeee..

Love in his ugly hair. He told me that he don't put sugar in his tea anymore... Just like how I always don't(:

I told him I miss the Krispykreme there and here he is with my fav Krispykreme:D

My favourite London bus. Haiyo. Why he didn't take a photo with my favourite telephone booth?

Carrine and me with our fav telephone booth<3 Why the boyfriend no like London telephone booths?:(

Love at Oxford university. Unlike us, he couldn't tour most of vicinity of Oxford. He didn't get to be under the tree which appeared in the Harry Potter movies. Teehee. I get to take a photo there previously! &&all the walkways. Boyfriend, jealous not?? Keke.

The not-so-impressive-as-singapore-flyer London Eye during countdown. Both the London Eye and Singapore flyer are designed by the same person/company. After I have seen the London Eye, I have learnt to appreciate our Singapore Flyer more. Oh that reminds me... I haven't been on the Flyer before:(

Whiskey Museum

His shoes finally gave way completely. His shoes were already cracked before he boarded the plane. Mad envy of him over the fact that he bought his Fred Perry shoes at 17pounds. *screams*

Love at Edinburgh! He went to climb the Arthur's seat with his newly found friends despite the Hurricane alert. They sneaked past the sign. Naughty boy!

Arthur's Seat blinded by the sun...

Cute doggies that they met at the bottom of Arthur's Seat.

This is magnificent! The view of Edinburgh from the top of Arthur's Seat. Okay. This make me so jealous. Europe for grad trip anyone??

He was nearly blown away by the wind when he was posing for the photo. No joke. I want my boyfriend to be back in one piece k? TSK.

He loves the palace at Edinburgh more... This indeed looks more like a castle. Oh well. Buckingham Palace is pretty. Just that it's not open to the public.

I miss the boyfriend veryvery much:(

I met Gen<3 yesterday afternoon! She slimmed down so much! Almost back to her original size before she left for US. She was telling me how much she exercised and injured her ankle/feet when she was running with Kenny. She couldn't run for the time being. Hmms. I was still planning to go gym with her all over again from next week. She can only cycle/do some weights now I guess. But she's looking better now!:DD

We had lunch at Javier's. Our fav hangout. It's more expensive now though.

We talked so much over lunch about everything. School, modules, boyfriends(Her Kenny and my Alvin. Hehe.), her trips this holidays,... We talk non stop for 2 hours. Haha. We gonna start start learning how to invest in stocks all over again. Were we ever so serious about that? It's gonna be different next semester! We promise! We agreed to go for all EYE's meeting the coming semester^^ After talking to Chmel the other day and Gen now... I am kinda rethinking about my Finance Major. Haha. I don't get why I didn't do that well for that. Oh well... Just see how the next semester goes.

I just realised that as times passes, the conversation topics around me really changed a lot. I think I have been listening to girls talking about HDB flats since a month ago. The first one which caught my attention was during Alvin's JC classmates gathering. One of the girl who sat next me was asking his another friend what is he planning to do... How and when should they start to try to apply for HDB flat with their gf/bf. Nobody was talking to me and Alvin was talking to another half of the table so I just sat there and listen to their HDB conversation. She's only 22??

The most recent one was during the NYE family gathering at Alvin's aunt's house. I was chatting with Jane(Alvin's sis-in-law) and Tiffany(Alvin's cousin's gf) and they were talking about that too. I heard from Jonathan(Alvin's childhood friend) that a lot of couples around him are getting married by 25 years old recently. So early! I was so shocked when I heard that. On the other hand, there's also this whole group of couples marrying late cos they couldn't get a flat:O That's worrying. I told Gen that. I think Kenny and her did discussed about the flat issue. Anyway, they are the most stable couple around so it's normal to talk to her about that. I was telling her that Kenny and her should start planning too! BTO usually have to wait for 2-3 years right? So it's better for her to plan with Kenny now. This topic just flew out of nowhere and I felt funny talking with her so seriously after that whole conversation ended. It just seems too normal that it makes me feel weird. HAHA. I guess I have been around people who are much older than me recently and c'mon! It's parts and parcel of growing up! I really can't wait to attend my closest friends' wedding. Have been dreaming about that since forever. Can Kenny and Gen be the first couple to get married sooooon? They have been together since like forever? Almost 7 years already *green with envy* Haha. Talking about wedding makes me happy. Always dreaming about dreamy princess-y weddings and cry over marriage proposal videos. Really can't wait till my friends get married!

It's the modern era now. Who gets married at 24 anymore? Haha. But I don't know why, I always feel like that's like the perfect age to get married. Get married at 24 years old and enjoy a few years of honeymooney marriage life before bringing the marriage to a whole new stage and desire the company of a lil someone running around the house by 27 or 28<3 So sweet. Keke. Guess I have too much time daydreaming recently(:

Currently hooked on Running Man after watching episode75 and We got married. Leeteuk and Sora are sooooo sweet<3 That's for my breaks in between my revisions^^ I finally remember to watch the finale for The Bachelorette Season 7 which I missed cos Alvin was preparing to fly that day. Hmms. I prefer Season 6 's Finale. The proposal for season 6 is so much more touching than season 7's. I know this show is bimbotic. Haha. Just like how they can compile all the videos/photos of their dates together. Never failed to cry watching the proposal part. Just that this time round, love isn't beside me googling about how the couple break up in the end. So far I just Wiki-ed. No news about their breakups yet. Just still can't get over the fact that the Season 6's couple broke up. They were so sweet together. && The girl was so sure even before the rose ceremony:( Totally dash the hopes of a dreamy girl here(ME).

Love this kinda video! Too bad no couples in reality can do videos like this:

Finally get to visit A&F! Gen&me with this random A&F guy. His figure is really good but not reflected in the photo.
I love A&F's style. So British. So English. Totally fell in love with their stuff. I love their skirt!!! I wanna get A&F's skirt and sweater soon. Hope their style don't varies too much as the season changes. Not gonna shop this month. Probably in FEB. PLEASE. Haha. I have a secret liking for British accent too. HAHA. But no English guy in the shop. Ahem.

My current favourite:

Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say
Hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Marry me

Can I propose to my boyfriend? HAHAHAHA. Watch too much Running Man and makes myself too happy. LOL.

Gonna watch Wicked with Alvin's mum and Aunty Sharon tomorrow evening. Something to look forward to for tmr! Wanted to catch it when we were in London but it stops showing when we were there. Now... So long...  :)

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