

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I won't give up on us

Happy to talk to the boyfriend the minute I wake up this morning(:

I concede defeat. I can't stand how irritating I am being so bothered about love not being here. Shall stop bombarding my followers with the sadsad tweets. I bet everyone is going to unfollow me soon. I don't want to get use to things that I don't want to get used to. You are supposed to be with me. I am a stubborn bitch. So yups. Don't ever say that I will eventually get over this and move on with life. I won't cos I never intend to. Of course I still cry a few times in a day listening to sad songs missing him but I guess it's time to keep my emotions in check and give him a break.

Some photos of love from London^^
I ask him to send me his photos as much as possible...


I love London. I have never forgotten the beauty of all the architecture, my favourite London bus, London telephone booth, London post boxes,... && not forgetting Pembrokeshire's costal areas in Winter during the J1 Biology fieldtrip. Pembrokeshire is so pretty. I really gonna go there again some point in my life. So envy of love now:/

Some photos from my trip to Pembrokeshire, Oxford and London in J1. Too bad I can only find these 2 in my hard disk...

They have seagulls like crows.

My lousy Panasonic camera can still take these photos. My skills>camera^^ My photo album(hardcopy) is filled with the beautiful photos of the beaches. I wonder where did I save the softcopy...

Boyfriend is in Edinburgh now. He wenta climb Arthur's Seat alone:O and he copied paste his msg to his friends to me:( Sad life. I am always second:(:(:( Ah well(joking)... At least I can look forward to talking to him at 6am tomorrow:)

Today I went to Chmel's house for lunch and chillax. She's not fully prepared for Aussie yet. Seeing how love prepare for his trip, I guess I did picked up some tips on what to prepare here and there. Hopefully Chmel finds them useful. We talked a lot today, stalk people on Facebook, discuss about how to lose weight(kinda gained back the weight I lost previously:( But Chmel said I look just nice now.), watch the insanity workout advertisement,... Had a really nice girl to girl talk. Haha. Was planning to go clubbing with Gen, Chmel and her friends tomorrow night but suddenly decided no to go. Hmms. R&B vs. Electro House... I guess I probably choose the latter now and there's no special DJ performance recently. Still gonna meet Gen tomorrow for lunch though:) Meeting at least one friend a day. So far my Thursday is free. Probably go cycling/tanning by myself. That'll be a nice alone time though I had too much of that lately and I didn't like them a least bit. Just used the alone time to read textbooks. Guess I prefer tan>fair skin now and I needa get a bronzer to make my makeup more close to my real skin colour and look healthier:) Trying to diet when I am having my period is a wrong idea cos I kept having terrible fainting spells lately:( Trying to eat on time today and not skip dinner like yesterday as planned.

Hmms. Chmel is going away for 2 years and she can only see her boyfriend once a year:( I can't imagine myself being in her shoes cos my current situation is already killing me from inside. Going for an exchange is a great experience but I doubt I can do this again the second time. So my stand now is... Not to apply for exchange anymore and travel Europe for grad trip or anytime in future. My life is hell now. No... Once bitten twice shy and I no longer have the courage to go. So much for crying over the fact that I couldn't go for exchange last year. Guess one's view just changes over time. The most I'll do a local one. HAHA. Shoot me. Thanks. Now friends are telling me why I should apply, giving me reasons I gave them previously. Ah well. I just can't do it.

I am a sensitive freak and I get jealous easily so I guess I'll be jealous when love starts partying in Spain. Hey girls, hands off please. LOL. But to be fair, I will not club unless some of the DJs I like is here to perform. Why Martin Solveig came to Zouk on NYE? Tell me why!!! Just feel like drinking... A lot a lot.

Just checked the statistics for my blog and happy to see lots of views from UK. But there's views from Israel and US this week which is really weird. &&I wonder who uses I.E.(1 view from I.E.) and Blackberry to view my blog???

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