

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The bitterness in me

Have started drinking black coffee without sugar and milk. It's not that bad. The bitterness isn't so bad.

Started the day really bad today. But it's great catching up with Ian after so long. Yuankai the big boss was super late. Just glad to have somebody to talk to^^ && Ian was so surprised that I have never ever quarreled with the boyfriend before. May feel sad and unhappy over stuff but we never quarreled:)

Some photos from Aunty Mollie's phone:

Fatty Baby Ethan on New Year's Eve. It's the first time the cutiepie left his house not to the clinic/hospital^^
Getting chubbier and chubbier everytime I see him. He is just 7 weeks old.

Went to church with Uncle Max and Aunty Mollie yesterday morning for New year's service. After that, we joined Uncle Ju Heng, Aunty Sharon, Jonathan and Lynette for lunch. Aaron and Jonathan were classmates at Kindergarten. Alvin grew up with him too:O We went to meet Aunty Eve and Aunty Maryann for karaoke after lunch and I did sing in the end(initially I was just planning to sit there and watch them sing).

 Aunty Mollie say she must show Alvin that she managed to convince me to sing. Haha.
I only sang more towards the end cos nobody knew how to sing Chinese song till Jonathan came. LOL. I can never sing on my own cos I know I have a really bad vocal.

Ended my first day of 2012 smiling yesterday cos love managed to FaceTime me the minute I got home. So happy^^

I don't wish to keep on harping about stuff that makes me unhappy but that's the only thing on my mind the entire week. I don't really dare to look at the calendar. Time passes too slowly. Of course I don't want it to pass too fast. I need time to study but it's still so far away from the day the boyfriend returns:( Sighs.Missed the chance to FaceTime him twice today and he is travelling alone from today onwards for 3 days. Double sadness. If my mood continues on it's rollercoaster,  I gonna go crazy someday. Hmms. But I guess I am really selfish to have thought that I'll be the only one suffering from all these and the boy will be having fun alone in Europe. I often forget that maybe the boyfriend is feeling equally sad too and he could not be comforted by his closest friends like I do. Hmm.

Got bored of Marketing textbook after 7 chapters. Shall read some ITA tmr after meeting Chmel:) Hoping for fun night on Wed with Gen&co.

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