

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Student care was fun today. Just love listening to the conversations between the kids and they make me feel sooooooo loved:D When they didn't irritate me with their work or wonder girls I mean. They love wonder girls! Can you believe it?! Ahh. But the way they appreciate what I have done for them and everything just allow me to cast my worries aside and feel needed for once. I love to be protected, to be pampered,... Who doesn't?

So happy to be able to spend some time with love after work today. How long have we not been on a date? It's hard to come by so I do treasure them a lot<3
He told me all about his trip. Beautiful photos && he is going to start a travel blog! Can't wait to read it.
Love still haven't shave. Haha. It'll look better if he trims it. But still too pointy. Got to admit that surprisingly, he don't look THAT untidy. Ah. Anw, he got me something that's really useful... For him! Tsk! Okay la. Useful for us to make decisions. Haha. New toy arrived too!

Just want to be honest with you(:

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