

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Empty office

I didn't know that there's company meeting today. It doesn't affect me but everyone will be gone. Like I'll be alone at the Chinese department.
At least I managed to pester Zishan to assign stuff for me to do before she went for meeting. Hehs.
Empty office. Quiet Office.
I am very productive today:D

Deryl drove to pass me his Dan Brown books!
He promised to lend them to me last sem! But drag until now...
It's funny how he couldn't recognise me. Haha. He last saw me on July last year? That's very long ago but I am pretty certain that he saw my photos on facebook.
It's hilarious how he couldn't find me when I am so big and standing at the one and only Gombak MRT bus stop.
(P.S. I don't know why there's two Angels & Demons.)

Met Alvin at JP! I see him almost everyday there uh?
&& He has a lil surprise for me today...

My BB camera with flash really works wonder ehs? The first photo is taken using my camera.

I was very surprised. Didn't expect this. Hehs.
It's just a short while again. Wish we can spend more time together but I think I am happy that I can at least meet up with him for dinner.
Exams are finally starting SOON.

Sneak peek at blaw results. For now, only Prof Leong didn't release anything. Hmms.


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