

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's so hard to be away from you

I miss you boy xoxo

Now I can Facetime le boyfriend almost every night! I love this photo. I like him in white and Scuffie is white too. Ehs. Maybe grey now cos love kept throwing him to the floor when he sleeps>:|

Correction to my previous posts! Alvin Wee is gaining weight now. Haha. He lost a lot of weight when he started on exchange but look at his face now. Keke.


Lacepipe's pink jeans came but I can't wear it cos my calf muscles are too big. #dancerswoes Never get to slim those down even in JC. How now brown cow? Anybody interested in pink skinny jeans? Pastel pink.

Before leaving the house at 11am cos I was so afraid of train faults... My paper is at 2.30pm

Now back home for a rest and le mousey time^^

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