

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A date with Andy Warwhol and Harry Potter

Last Sunday we went to the Artscience Museum to catch the Harry Potter Exhibition! I am too much of a Harry Potter fan. The pass to both Andy Warhol exhibition and Harry Potter is more worth it so we bought that instead. There's no need to book via Sistic. We got it on the spot!

We had Kraze Burger for lunch. Happy me with tickets^^

BB spokesperson.

Le boyfriend's beef burger.
My salmon burger.

Fusion of the two!

Took some photos while we were waiting to go for the exhibition. You will be allocated a timing to go in!

Random Andy Warhol ads in MBS



No photos allowed in the exhibition hall itself. All in all... I was pretty disappointed. The exhibition is really limited with a few costumes of the characters all over the place from selective books, some props and bammmmbbbb! No more. End of the exhibition and it's the souvenir shop alreadyT.T

Next up, the disappointed us went to the Andy Warhol exhibition! I learnt about him during arts lesson in secondary school. I love his artwork!

As usual no photos but it's more detailed and easy to follow then the Harry Potter's. Even if you don't know anything about Andy Warhol, you'll be able to understand the entire exhibition and kinda learn more about him with the organised layout of the exhibition...

Andy Warhol spectacles^^ Must deliberate give the small eyes look to complement huge spects. HEHE.

Le boyfriend's artistic impression of me. Some random shot that I really love!

I love his chequered and my prints<3

Tada. Le boyfriend's long fingersO.O

&& his huge surprise for me that day was... A boyfriend evaluation form which he created for me to evaluate him after every date. LOL.

Ending off with an unglam photo of me painting my nails on Sunday evening.

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