

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday blues

Photoboothing with Huihui early in the morning to chase away our Wednesday blues. She didn't realised Lion OS is built in with these effects. Hana. I love the lil birdies flying over our spinning heads!

Wednesday is the most depressing day of the week. Especially this week's. We have Company Law from 8.30am to 12nn then Company Law project meeting from 1pm to 3pm, followed by Audit from 3.30pm to 7pm. All the content intensive stuff. Our heads are going to explode and our eyebags can store water soon. I really need advise to revise for audit or probably HOW TO STUDY AUDIT. Sighs.

I am so tired. Need to sleep now so I can function better tomorrow and get more things done!^^ Jiayou people as the term is slowly consuming us!

Something to think about:

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