

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First F1 experience

Lets see what I have been up too...

F1 weekend!!! 21-23 September.

The boyfriend booked it when he was still in Spain cos I have never been to an F1 race. It's really very exciting. && You'll have all the adrenaline gushing when you hear the car vrooooom past. 

First night:

First night was the trial runs and Q1 I think. We went there really late and I looked so awful that night cos I was studying the entire day and rushing my part for Company Law out before Saturday's meeting. I was so so so tired. I only dressed comfortably to prepare to brave the crowd for F1 and of course... JAY CHOU!!!

I don't know why but I am soooooooo happy to be able to go to Jay Chou concerts. I never had a chance to go to his concert cos it was so pricey when I was still a young secondary school kid. Haven't been so happy in a while! I love all his old songs!

&& I noticed the latest trend on fans now... iPad:

Crazy fans now use iPads to take photos during concerts or to serve as a board writing the idol's name or short outs on it. It happens for all 3 nights... 

We get to walk on the racing track on the first night! Happy girl is me^^

Second night. Q2 and Q3 and Hamilton gets to start first in the final race!

Itacho with the boyfriend after I had my Company Law meeting in school with the not-so-Indian-NTU-exchange-Joshua and Huihui

Rolling back to the F1 venue...

Lewis Hamilton!!!
The boyfriend asked me who do I support. I thought for a while and I think I only know who is Lewis Hamilton cos he was the ex-boyfriend of Nicole Scherzinger and I was a crazy pussycat doll fan when they just started out... So I just randomly decided to support him. Just to add some excitement to the race. Standing there for hours look at cars zooming by so many days is not a joke. There's a race for normal cars, but powerful kind, before the racing cars. What they do is to zoooom past making screeching noises. Then the boyfriend told me that they are VERY POWERFUL cars. But in my heard I was thinking... since when do powerful cars make such awful noises. I thought it will be something along the line of bass-like-sound. I heard that when I see Ferrari/Lamborghini zoom past in town??? I am totally clueless. But anything. Just accept that powerful cars make those noise.

Gorgeous Ferrari.

We found the perfect sport near a turn and with a huge screen there so we could watch the bigger picture of the entire race...

A random guy helped us take all of these. He's weird but the photos are awesome!^^

Cute lil oldie cars sponsored by the owners to showcase the racers on the actual race day...

The red and yellow car plate is to indicate that they can only drive up to 50 days per year.

My favorite cute lil froggie car

Have you all see the fake Old Parliament? Look closely! They put up this facade while renovating the real thing!

Maroon 5 concert on the second night is soooooo AWESSSSOOOOOOMMMEEE! They are so good live! Really too good!

I can totally see the lead singer when I stood so much further than the first night. I think it's because he's so much taller than Jay Chou. Haha!

Third day... The final race! Super exciting but my muscles are already aching by then:/ Me don in F1 theme skirt!^^

The happy boy! My FAT

While waiting for the racers to be fetched one round around the track... Some random staff of F1 dressed in Superman costume to attract attention...

Lewis Hamilton!

I thought this car looks quite unique even though it's a lil ugly. Look like coffee sweet right? HEHE.

The safety car. The STUPID SAFETY CAR.

The race was awesome and the boyfriend is so happy that Lewis Hamilton's car stall-.- I felt so sad for him. Lewis Hamilton could potentially win especially when he is allowed to start first and Singapore's track is so narrow. So sad. Engine fault. But why can't he race in his backup car? The engine fault wasn't even his fault:( Anw, Sebestian Vettel won.

Pretty fireworks!

Will be updating about my interview and my awesome Company Law project experience with the fun people soon!

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