

Friday, May 31, 2013

This is my slept-at-4-am-studying-atp-but-can't-sleep-in-because-the-sun-is-too-bright face. I was suddenly reminded of the random conversation about curtains that I had with Huihui that day. I guess I only realised the importance of the types of curtains today:'( In the background is the list of documents for Visa application on the whiteboard and also unopened Lovebonito packages. That's all about my life right now. Haha. Both the boyfriend's and my grandma are in the hospital now. Confused with which grandma when talking about visiting all the time. Can't wait for next Friday so I can visit my grandma more often. Just went to visit his yesterday...

I really love this photo of the boyfriend cos he looks so happy here and I feel super happy staring at it. Probably because of the really beautiful sea in the background too. My lockscreen wallpaper for iPad currently that I'll look at all the time while checking for his iMessages:)

My mind kept thinking about exchange these few nights. It makes studying a little hard too but maybe because it's getting so close now, I just have to run some situations in my head. Finally obtained the list of documents to submit to Portuguese Embassy in Bangkok after about 12 emails and 4 international calls. I really can't wait to get my visa application mailed over soon!

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