

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Finally settled down

Duffy and Mousey is finally resting on my bed after their lil Madagascar adventure.

As you would have guessed, I got my luggage back! :D Madrid has been nothing short of amazing. I really love my first ever trip alone (ahems. *Strikes off something from my life's to-do-list*). I really wish to visit other parts of Spain before it starts to turn cold. But for now, I would really love to just soak myself in Lisbon's culture and go to school. I really need a break from 4 weeks of travelling. Since 12pm I have been going out to buy groceries, prepared lunch, did laundry, and more laundry and unpacking. The uploading speed is not too bad. Will be doing my Budapest post really soon! && in a while, it'll be time to cook again...

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