

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ola! I am now in Madrid. It's 8.40am now btw. The clock seems a little screwed up here.

It's so difficult to survive without my beloved Macbook for so long. I only have 20 mins on this computer. Daylight starts pretty late here. Later than other countries I have been and even though it's frigging hot in the afternoon (I am 3 shades darker now btw), it's actually like 16 degrees in the morning! I still went out with my really cooling tanks and mini skirt. Just endure a bit and the sun will be out in no time! Fall leaves everywhere but the temperature is far from that.

Have been thinking a lot during these few days and so caught up in that that I had a bad fall after that. Sorry to keep whining about the fall but it's like the first time since JC times that I actually have such a bad fall. I can't even bend down to pick up stuff or sit down without feeling the pain and this is Europe, it's impossible to not have to walk long distance and to climb slopes. I still have 2 luggages to worry about when I touch down in Lisbon. I can't wait to see my other luggage.

Travelling over the past almost one month has taught me a lot and to be honest, it's not all fun. It was a lot of stress and paranoia since pickpockets are lurking everywhere. I don't even know what I am against before I come to Madrid. I didn't know it will be much worst here than in Paris. Except that they don't mug people which is good enough for me. I love Madrid. I didn't expect here to be so pretty and easy to navigate. I'll definitely come back here again a few years later. Many times, I felt so down and want someone to talk to and as usual, the boyfriend has never been a good listener when it comes to such things. I will feel even worst after that. But I learnt something or probably figured out how to live better than that. And it's only when I have such luxury of time alone to be able to do that. I am no traveller. I am no YOLO girl. I have a lot of considerations. I rather be safe than sorry even if it makes travelling so tiring. Sometimes I wish I could be more of a typical girl to get people to understand that I am not strong, and not independent enough to do a lot of things but I will force myself to do it and complete it. Being happy or not, doesn't matter. When I don't feel happy, I just truly hope that I can have someone to stood by me. That's sufficient for me. Not many people get it anyway. Ah... Time to locate all the food places I want to visit today!

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