

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Finally! Looking forward to tomorrow

All packed. I wanted to do pedicure for myself cos I can't stand my ugly nails but I got back too late. Just trimmed them in the end. It's Huihui's birthday today&& she finally unwrapped my present for her. Glad that she likes them:)

Nua at home till late then I went out to get miscellaneous stuff for the trip before meeting some niners! So glad to see Angeline my zhu after so longggg. But it was just a short dinner and I rushed home to do a final check on my stuff. All packed. Emergency masking now. How can my pimples pop out now?! GAH.

I am honest with my mum and I am glad I did tell her that I am going to Phu Quoc with boyfriend. Only boyfriend. But  now she's telling me weird things. Mummy ahhh... Can't you trust me? My aunt just say she won't text me cos this time round I am going on a trip with my lover. She trust that he will take care of me. So now. MUMMY. DON'T SAY THOSE WEIRD THINGS AGAIN. TSK.

That's all. Very excited for the trip now:D:D:D Definitely couldn't get to sleep~

Oh no. It's my aunt's turn now. TSK. I am firm on my beliefs.

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