

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The end of our 1st honeymoon

Now we are at Ho Chi Minh airport waiting for our flight back to Singapore.

I really love Phu Quoc. I am so glad that we get to visit it before its beauty gets tarnished as more and more resorts and hotels are built here. There's construction going on everywhere now. All that we have seen and experience may be all gone in 3-5 years when it has fully developed into a tourist attraction. Phu Quoc is a really beautiful place. Beautiful beaches(especially Bai Sao beach), peaceful environment, friendly locals and of course, having love entirely to myself. Strangely, I feel more secured throughout trip as compared to when I was at Kanchanaburi even though the things we did were far more dangerous(shall elaborate on them later). We met wonderful people here. The Australian couple whom we see everyday throughout our stay at Phu Quoc even at the Phu Quoc airport just now but it always rains whenever we see them. Our bane of the trip?:X), Adam who followed us on the bike to Bai Sao beach, Charlie whom we met on the boat to night squiding(real talkative 19 years old boy from London. He made me miss UK.), the German couple on the boat too(the German lady reminds me of this Caucasian girl I saw at the Erawan Waterfall. Independent western girl.) and the staff at the resort. From this trip, I guess I have learnt to appreciate seafood, get some ideas on places I will want to visit in future and fresh perspectives to many things. Most importantly, this trip allows Alvin and I to learn more about each other and I am really thankful to Daddy God for keeping us safe throughout our trip and blessed us with wonderful weather at the right time despite the monsoon season now. I feel really blessed to have Alvin with me.

That's all for now. I shall blog about the entire trip after I packed my luggage for my Panda trip after I reached home later. Tata:D

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