

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Phu Quoc. Island paradise. Day 1.

Love's parents sent us off early in the morning.

A retarded photo of me.

We touched down at Ho Chi Minh airport and had lunch at the restaurant while waiting for the domestic flight to Phu Quoc. This where love always goes to when he goes to Vietnam. Nice Baguette. The first food I ate in Vietnam^^(I grew to love Vietnamese cuisine after the trip, except for not knowing how to ask them not to add bean sprouts into the dishes:/)

Love was so absorbed in playing Stupidness 2. Hehs.

Then we took a propeller plane to Phu Quoc. Love is superbly excited about the propeller plane. To me... Okay. The plane just looks a lil different from the usual planes. Haha.

We reached Phu Quoc after an hour's ride. Finally, our trip begins:D

We stayed at the beach club. The people there are really really friendly and nice && for a room it only cost 20USD per night. It's such a steal! Excellent customer service:D That's a rather good location to stay except for that puddle of water we have to pass through everyday to get to the resort. I don't know if the puddle is there due to the monsoon season or it's there like forever though.

The minibus van did not turn into the Beach Club resort and we got to walk in ourselves. Is it the right place?

This is the huge puddle of water!

We didn't travel far the first day. Just explored the long beach and lazed on the beach. The clouds seemed heavy but I still think that the beach is beautiful. The endless sky and the endless sea. It's just different. The entire beach was so empty. Even though it may not be the best time to travel to Phu Quoc now. I am so glad for the peace we get to enjoy there.

 A light bulb??!

We checked out the night market! Nice seafood. I don't have a favourite food(except for maybe yoghurt. Is that proper food anyway???), yup. So I always don't understand why people are all so into seafood but the seafood at the night market is really awesome:D

 Washed up and didn't wear contacts out at night.

 A huge water snail. REALLY HUGE.

I brought masks along for the trip! Tada! Since he was badly burnt from his camp, I guess it's a great time for a session of mask after hours of the hearts/snap. Hehs.

 He don't dare to move at all. Haha. So cute!

That's all for the first day but I am really glad to have him all to myself. For a while.

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