

Monday, January 3, 2011

i tweet, facebook and tumblr.
i enjoy using social media but <3 twitter the most.

in facebook, i accepted/added friends that are not very close to me.
&& i even add my own boss. haha!
so cant fb during work ehs? *joking* =X
everyth i publish or share anything in fb, everyone can see but it's great entertainment during ur revision and in lessons.
if im bored i'll just go to fb and look at all the news feed=X
i guess everyone does the same thing!

i locked all my tweets then cos i dont wan certain ppl to read but they end up following me and it's weird to not allow them to follow me.
i gave up some time ltr and just tweet whatever i want.
that's my space!
it's not as though that person bothers about what i say anymore and nor do i.
twitter is also where i got closer to a lot of friends like ian, ziting<3, jasmine, jacq, and manymany more:D
especially for ziting<3 :D
so twitter rocks:D

i set up tumblr to use it as a blog after i got irritated using blogspot but i dont like others to reblog my normal blog posts so after some time, i came bck to blogspot:D
i still enjoy browsing at all the photos though:D

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