

Friday, January 21, 2011

updates for the week

jogged in the morn, packed and wenta sch for twc.
im not late this week && totally loving my scandals the entire day even though my toe nails are really super ugly.
yupyup. all the blood clots are still there.
im afraid that if i paint them, they will just fall off=X

twc is as lame as ever.
prof is still wearing his smu tie and that smile of his. LOL.
why must he smile the entire lesson?
he started off with carbon dating, animal cells followed by history of mankind.
i start to doubt if im in the correct class.
jasmine was online shopping, the girl sitting in front of us is shopping for valentine's day roses?
weird weird.
oh yah.
valentine's day is just around the corner.
overhead the promoters at m)phosis talking bout their plans for valentine's day. so funny.
what did i do last year?
ohhhhhhh ya. last year 14 feb was cny. LOL.

after twc was ltbbbbbbb.
today was alright.
our group still managed to go for a break together after finishing the slides for the class discussion.
met huihui on my way down to cheers.
she is freaking shocked.
i seriously think i have the correct foundation colour alr but she say the colour for the bottom part of my face seems to be darker than the upper part of my face.
that must have been due to the fact that i rest my chin on my hands or sth??
i seriously cant see what's wrong but when i met weiqi and all ltr, they think there's nth wrong.
okok. maybe cos i wenta touch up. but stilllllllllllllllllllll....

met weiqi, xiting, angelina and yk at amk(listed in e sequence of their arrival).
wenta eat at iciban.
was kinda shocked when yk came. haha.
this busy person always dont reply our sms-es! ok. maybe just mine bt i'll rmb to just tweet him next time.
the dinner was initiated by xiting uhs.
was kinda shocked when i received her text but glad to have dinner with her before she goes back to her lil island.
that is when i wont really get to see her.
anw, xiting is damn cute.
i asked her to check her results the night it was out, she refused to check and insisted on checking on monday when her sch reopens. ok. she still checked in the end but her reaction is so funny.

slacked at that lil fountain and talk crap.
angelina has got presentation the next day but since yk was driving us home, she could stay a lil while more=X

xiting stays super near amk hub luhs.
bt she is like the 2nd last to get home cos yk is driving weiqi and angelina back to serangoon first.
we kept complaining bout his headlights cos they are like freaking bright.
still rmb the day xiting drove him and weiqi was driving in front of them.
i was in weiqi's car.
when we looked back to see where they are, we can only see yk's car.
blinding headlights. tsk. LOL.
i was the last to get home but anw, thanks for the ride(:

started the day with MA and no jogging uhs cos i have a gym date with gen:D
worked at glassroom.
oh well, it was pretty alright cos there were fewer customers than last week and they have got gloves for dishwishing.
now i wish i can just stay in the kitchen and wash plates=X

tried yogort. omg. it's nice(:
it taste just like sogurt and glacious which i think was comparatively ligher than the other yoghurt.

chiong-ed to meet gen after work.
i forgot to bring my rubberband this week.
i kept forgetting to bring my stuff when i meet gen. tsk.
luckily she has extra(:
ran quite a bit more than usual with her, studied at soe, dinner at souperlicious and weeeeee.. i left first.
she went bck to sch to study for fa quiz but i needa gooooo supermarket uhs.
too busy on thurs to do that so must go on wed?

i tell u im like super hopeless && clueless.
ok. i was kinda dumb at ntuc and even asked my tuition kid some random qns when she called while i was there. LOL. okok. no more bout that.

had MA in the morning.
im getting more and more attentive for MA class even though im still very lost in his lesson and i have a quiz next week. YEAH. NEXT WEEK-.-
okok. shall mug hard on sun.
too packed for the week .
tim is in the same group as me!
oh yay!
with huihui and tracy of course(:

ct lesson was as lame as ever but glad that huihui's grp kept their presentation short.
it ended on time.
lunched and hop into some gsr.

olivia joined me after that.
got chased out from 2 gsrs-.-
we gave up and studied at the corridor.
frolicked and got salad for dins.
enjoyed her company.
glad to have more friends whom i can talk to(:

i actually didnt really dozed off the entire of blaw lesson.
ok. maybe once and olivia woked me up before i totally Zzz.
blaw is interesting and the instructor is sooo much btr than normal prof i swear.
just feel damnnnnnn sian to have lesson on the 29th):

worked on the games for ltb a lil before i Zzz.

 woke up at 6+am and just walk straight to e living room to ask my bro to rmb to bring his amath tb home.
i needa read a lil for tmr's tuition.
i forgot reminder therom=X
okok. i bet he will think that im sleepwalking but gahhh.. i just wan his tb!

ltbltb planning then blog a bit then jogged then im back to blogging now.
hope ltb meeting dont end too late. think i gonna rush a lil ltr.
cant wait for evening!:D

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