

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I love getting lost:D

Met Huihui early in the morning for Mcbreakfast and grocery shopping for the NTU peeps.
After that I followed her to Huayi Sec to find her colleagues before heading down to NTU.

We were sooooo lost.
We kept stopping to ask any people we see on our way to NBS(Okay. Only me. I was totally enjoying getting lost and acting like a tourist. Bwahahaha.)

&& when we finally reached NBS and was trying to ask for directions to S4, ALL THE PEOPLE WE MET AT S3 IGNORED US. TOTALLY. OMG.
I never see such unfriendly people before. As in not in SMU when the same situation applies. OMG. HOW CAN THEY JUST WALK AWAY??
Okayokay. One guy did give us the direction in the end. Not that bad.
Luckily there's only one reading room at S4 building and we managed to find Alvin first:D:D

Huihui's BFF was still having her lesson.

Mine was a rather failed surprise:(

I knew he can guess that I am coming so I tried to divert his attention by saying that I went back to SAJC instead. Huayi Sec is tooooo near to NTU so I dare not mention. Hais.
One thing that I learnt today was that we have to take risk to surprise people. Why did I consider so much? Tsk.
Need to work harder on this.

Joined Alvin and his friends for lunch.
It felt so different from SMU.
Maybe cos we don't have a huge clique or time or I-don't-know-what.
Didn't have any group lunch before in school. Haha.

Xiting's meeting ended very late so didn't really get to talk to her.
Nicenice Alvin drove us to Ikea cos Huihui has been craving for it and we agreed to go there after our surprise trip to NTU.

Didn't eat but I really really enjoyed chatting with them.
Huihui is damn funny:D:D

Went town to have Soursally with Huihui and helped her brainstorm for ideas.
Heh heh. I think I am good at that. Love to make my friends happy:D:D

I really really enjoyed today.
Getting lost under the hot sun and mad asking of directions.
Seeing love on a Tuesday and not at SMU:D
Seeing Xiting in her little island.
Crazy moments with Huihui:D:D
I can't stop laughing or smiling to myself:D

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