

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm Leticia

Met Angelina and Wilfred for 8.30am service. 
Earlyearly. Tiredtired.
Angelina went home straight after church and I walked to NLB to search for more inspiration.

Today is a boring boring stay-at-home day:/
Started on the Panda proposal and packed my stuff.
I have 1 and a half box of econs notes and econs past year papersO.O
I decided to throw away everything else from JC except for econs notes. Maybe I'll dump them after next semester. My area is finally neat now.
Kept all the notes for this semester away and I realise I didn't touch the LTB textbook AT ALL. Never flip it open AT ALL. LOL.
I packed my clothes too. Throwthrowthrow.
It is to make up for not clearing them during cny. Hahahahaha.
One thing on my after exam to-do/MUSTDO list.
Ehs. I didn't blog about this. In my brain that is.

Should I watch Sky of love(Koizora) again?
Just chance upon it while tumblr hopping. I still remember I dragged Weiqi to watch it with me when we were in sec 4? Or was it JC? I forgot.
I still haven't touch the remote control yetT.T

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