

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Today is my first day of summer:D

I had my last paper yesterday.
Met Jasmine for lunch and the instax films.
I am really really thankful for that.
Always a muddlehead as ever, I forgot to order my instax films!
My instax mini 50s on hand without films:/
Luckily I am still able to try it out in time with love:D
Was having a bad headache during the paper but I think it's gonna better than mid terms since I finally know what's going on.
The panda question is out to kill. Oh well... Just glad that it's overrrr:)
Met Huihui for a lil while after the paper before rushing home to prepare to meet Alvin.
It was a series of wire-tripping, mad-changing in and out of tops and whatsoever... MAD RUSH.
Just glad to see him:D

Wenta Dempsey Hill for the post exam celebration(:

The main aim was to let me have my first Ben&Jerry's.
He didn't dare to tell me anything anymore this time round or elseeeeee, I'll spoil the surprise by making the right guess again.
Ya. I have never eaten B&J before. But since when do I eat icecream?=X Hmms.
I have been eating sooooo normally now. I realised I eat all sort of things after I met Alvin.
OMG. Just look at how fat am I now...
Wanna try my polaroid at B&J and we asked a group of aunties to help us.
They are kinda fascinated by it. Haha.

A lovely night with the love.

Finally get to go out with my bro after soooooo long:D
Lots of catching up to do.
Hmms. I guess I really neglected him too much.
He isn't doing well in school, not blending well into the class of smarties, hanging out too much with his friends.
Oh well, just don't want to interfere too much lest he don't share anything with me anymore.
I like the way it is now. He is just like a friend whom I can share anything with && he does the same too.
I don't want this to stop uh. Hope he will get his priority right.

I haven't been doing this for a lonnnnnnnnngg time. Just walk around the shops with no projects and reports at the back of the mind. Awwwww... Life's great:D

After shopping with bro, went to Bras Basah popular to get some papers and markers before walking to SOE to meet Alvin for dinner.
&& we decorated our polaroids from yesterday(That's his handwriting on my polaroid. Not too bad I guess. Haha.)

During this summer I want to...
1) Learn how to cook.
2) Recap photoshop
3) Sort my photos by doing simple scrapbooking.
4) Nail art! (My fake nails, bling and flowers are waiting for me:D)
5) Read!
6) Work
7) Spend a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of time with Alvin:D
8) Catch up with all my girlfriends whom I neglected the entire of this semester
9) ........ More to come. I have to learn more things.

I want to hold your hand and never let go.

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