

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lil boys and girls! Don't snatch my camera!

Brought my cameras to work! Polaroids+Holga. All the boys are like,"Teacher Meiwei! I know your camera is fake! Definitely fake!" But after saying that, they still posed for me. Hehs. Then I went to take photos of Rachel, Oscar and Zacheus. Rachel is so cunning! At first I refused to let her touch the camera, then she asked me to let her look through the hole, after that, she quickly snatch it and just hit the shutter button. Cunning Rachel! But of course it's a different story when I used my polaroid camera. Many of the photos are blurred as all the kids are running around. Didn't get to shoot with some of them. Waiting for Thurs and Fri! Norman, Reanne, Keryn and Nicklaus! Can't wait:D:D

Card from my lovely colleagues! Mr and Mrs Peh, && Francis wrote on it too!:D:D

I will definitely miss them. Will take more proper shots with them on Friday. Gonna bring my baby Canon to work. Baygam is like telling me not to worry cos I'll be back again in a few months time. Actually I am not too sure about my plans in Dec since the results of my exchange application won't be out until Sep. So many uncertainties but I'll go back to the centre to visit them after Panda trip and before school starts. Can't believe that I am only left with 2 days of work.

Had farewell dinner with my colleagues at Bugis. Steamboat:D It's always great talking to them. Exchanging beauty tips and everything. I don't work in the same office as most of them cos there's not space over at that office. I love to talk to Zishan! But we are constantly on twitter, Whatsapp and facebook. I have really learnt a lot from her(:

Mummy kept questioning me why do I have to bring so much money to China. Ahhh. I really used my Taiwanese Chinese accent to try to explain to her for more than 20 minutes before calling Huihui to further reassure my mum. She's in a rather good mood now as compared to a few nights ago. She's worried about my brother. I don't know what to do about my brother. I can't force him to study, can I? My sis and I try to talk to my mum. But instead of considering our advice, she kept saying that we are trying to say that she's a bad mum. Ah. Guysguysguys. I don't know whether too much freedom for him is good. But he is a guy. All traditional Chinese family will always think that guys deserve more freedom than girls and they should learn to be more independent and all. We are girls. So we are different. Mum dotes on him the most so there's definitely a very big difference in how she treat him as compared to when we were his age. But now she's starting to regret? How should we help him? I still have absolute faith in him though. I suggested tuition classes so mum is going to sign him up for tuition classes. He will never skip lessons. So it will be beneficial to him. It will block out a part of his time to study for chemistry. Will do will do:)

Tomorrow will be a good day too! Meeting jyjy and Huihui in the morning, follow by Jasmine in the afternoon(&& to exchange for RMB) and meet-ups to get my polaroid films in the evening. So far so good:D

Missing the sleep-deprived boy in camp

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