

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First day of Year 2:D:D

Booyaaa. Just got back from school. First day of school is better than expected though I was very reluctant to make my way to school. I can't focus at home but I don't want to be a loser and study in school during the first week. In a dilemma much?

I saw many familiar faces the minute I stepped into SMU. I don't know why but it kinda feels great. I haven't seen most of my SMU friends since the start of summer. I really hope to meet all my campmates! Just a really random thought. David Kao(ASOC faci) is in my AIS class. Huilun(Starring campmate) too! Actually there are many other familiar faces but not that close to them. AIS was great. Prof Pan is gonna be my mentor as some of the SOA initiatives to bring the scholars together. He really looks like Mr Peh(&he loves to cook too)! I am kinda anxious to meet him though(Just dropped him an email:X). Randomly formed my group but too late so got the last presentation slot. Don't think it'll be that bad since everyone is gonna be given 1 week to work on the question. It'll be same for all the groups.

MS 7pm lesson is real bad. But I guess I just have to work harder on my own. The only plus point is that there are MANYMANY familiar faces in MS. Finally a lesson with one of my bondue mates. I never get to have lesson with any of them ever since I started schooling in SMU. LOL. Magenta is in this class! Jocelyn(LTB mate)&& Meiting(SA dancemate) are in the same class as me too. Not bad not bad. Leon wanna group with us even before the prof asked us to form groups. Ah well. Prof didn't mention if we can form our own groups. I am just glad that it ended 1 hr earlier. I am determined to pay attention in all my classes this sem. MS please don't spoil my resolution for my 2nd year.

Actually I have started to prepare for lesson since last Fri? So lesson weren't too bad. Last night I was studying with bro in the same room. I was struggling with my boring FRS while he's doing his chem(While updating his fb status that he feels that it's a waste of time to work so hard for chem CA2 when I was just behind him-.-). He should totally keep this up(as in mugging). He was still working hard for it when I got home just now. Shoo all the xmm. Don't distract him please. I think the tuition did help so far though he's still asking me some basic question last night. At least it's a wee bit better than before.

I didn't wear any makeup to school today. Usually I'll really dress up for the first day of school. But I guess it's better to look smart than wearing a thick layer of makeup(though mine is really thin to begin with). Maybe it's my skin colour now that totally turns me off whenever I look at myself in the mirror wondering if I should wear makeup out. I guess I am just lacking a bronzer now. My old makeup method don't suit the tan me now. Ah well... I am too tan for anyone to realise any flaws on my face.

Just to update about what was I up to after I got back from China when I didn't blog.

On the 11th:
I dropped my luggage, unpacked a bit and wenta love's house before meeting my WQ&XT love at night. So happy to see them again! I guess we need to have more time to catch up again soon!

On the 12th:

I took this photo off facebook cos I didn't bring my camera. Had dinner with the boyfriend's pals while he was preparing for his debut at Zouk as DJ Ren. Hehs. So weird right? But he was spinning during NBS Bash. I guess I was never interested in pageants so I was v bored throughout the whole thing. I was just stuck to my phone halfway through and listening to his music. Ah. Just there to support love. He's great. Saw quite a few familiar faces from S18. Haven't met Charmaine for a long time.

Alvin spinning!
My bad shot(phone camera):

A nice shot by his mentor:

Didn't really get to club. Come to think of it... How long have I not stepped into a club? I didn't club even once during the 4 months of summer. Amazing yeah? Didn't get to club that night too. Zouk was playing electro, trance,... As boring as usual. Phuture is... Too crowded and complicated as usual... Club? Club? Club? I forgot how fun it was.

On the 13th:
Accompanied love to send Beng off. The wonderful me forgot to bring my lousy casio along as we walked to T1(My Casio is really dying. Blur shots.). Hmms. It's a weird feeling. Maybe cos Yanyi just got together with Beng and yet Beng has to leave for exchange now? Maybe it's a preview of what is it gonna be like when I send love off for his exchange for next sem. I feel really sad when I saw Yanyi crying as she sent Beng off. Weird feeling. I applied for the same university as love but what are my chances of getting it? Hmms. Okay. I should have more faith in myself. I need to visualise. Visualise.

On the 14th:
Church and mugging session with love. Mug mug mug. The reality did hit me fast the minute I touch down in Singapore.

I gonna move on. It's okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Just gonna keep myself busy.

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