

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Am I a nerd?

Didn't have time to blog until now. Just a boring life of a smugger I guess. I want to play and relax during my recess week. This is meant to be a good week.

Met Chmel on Sat! It was rather random but I was really happy to have met her:DD I don't know what got to me in JC. We could have been really really good friends if I didn't choose to turn away from everyone, if I didn't choose to be alone and all. We could have... We could have... I see me in her some time. I think the way we think and work is pretty similar(except for the fact that she's really smart). Chmel has been really nice to me. I am a really lousy friend. She has been so nice to me but I often miss her lil notes of concern hid inside folded tshirts/cranes. I often found them months later after she passed them to me. Through the years, I have pretty much learn not to open up too much to others. I did try when uni starts but it probably died down by this year. I didn't put in effort to make friendships work. Hopefully things will get better(:

Caught Friends with benefits with love on Sat night. 
I totally enjoyed the movie even though it's similar to No Strings Attached. It's not the bed scenes that I am referring to. I love this kinda movies but most of my friends will find it lame so most of the time I'll ask qi or probably I'll catch them myself. 

All the chick flicks and cliches~ Just call me childish but I am pretty much the kind of girl who desires fairytale-like romance. I know they are just lies and I had enough bad experiences to tell me that they don't exist but it doesn't kill to love watching and reading them(: I don't behave like that in real life and I guess that's the right way to live(still constantly keeping myself in check). One just have to be realistic sometimes though you'll be less happy. 

Had project meeting with Huihui yesterday morning and had SOA photoshoot in the afternoon. Acting so to be so engrossed in whatever the prof is saying, acting cute with profs,... 3++hours for me. Mine was supposed to be less than 2.5 hours but the photographer suddenly feel like shooting from another angle and took super long~ It's a good experience though. I did enjoy the segment with Prof Pan. He's really nice and comical and he shared sosososo much about himself unlike other profs. He's really a nice person. So glad to be able to be his RA. 

"Sometimes you just have to make a choice. Either you choose to follow her or you stay on and move on with life" 

That's how he ended up happily married with his wife. He decided to follow her. He told us that he had to make a decision somehow. Follow her or let her go and move on? He just had to be with her. Haha. So sweet. I read a similar incident on some blogger's blog too. She couldn't give up everything and go overseas with her ex so they broke up but she was willing to do so for her current husband and they are happily married now. Life. Fate. Hmms. They just have to put you through some tests. I guess everyone will run into this situation someday in this highly globalised world. It's inevitable and I guess we just gonna have some faith and stop worrying about all the unknowns. 不要太强求。What's meant to be, will be.

Had FT western dining assessment today. I guess I have never felt so stress having a meal before(or if you count exam stress?? Like reading even when I am having my meals? Ehs... Still believe that they are different) Everyone was so scared to make even the tiniest mistake. It's a good experience though. I gained quite a lot from today's session. I wonder how I fare for FT. It better be good.

Met Ivan and qi for Johnny English today. Chill, slack, nua, shop H&M, met xinyi to collect my contact lenses. So me is a happy girl today though I kinda overspent with H&Mloots+dinner at Paradise Dynasty. The colourful XLB is average. I think I still prefer the normal XLB. But the noodles are not bad though(: Johnny English is too lame and stupid. Me no likey.

Suit up for tomorrow again. Barclays. Aww. So want to be in casual tomorrow. My tragus piercing is gonna get infected and just close again if I remove it again>:|

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