

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is recess week?

Met the BEE EFF EFFs last night:DD Blissful is me.

Love and I were very late cos of the traffic jam and the screwed up Nex carpark:/ Really happy to see them especially ting and Angelina(haven't seen Angelina since... Before the Vietnam trip? Since the Thai trip?) but I didn't bring my camera cos I went to school in the afternoon for Finance:S

Don't know what's up for today. Usually recess week is used to mug for Mid Terms but mine is all over. Really wanna chill, slack, nua for this recess week but sadly... Don't know who is free during this week too. Hmms. It's okay. Filed my notes for AIS and Corp last night after I got home, printed homework and notes just now. Guess I am heading out to study for a while before meeting Chmel for lunch and continue to study after that. Contemplating if I should go out to shoot and trying out all the manual settings and all but gah... Kinda lost track of the time while I was printing my stuff and it's raining now anyway. Guess I'll go on Thurs or something.

Hmms. Guess my recess week gonna be like any other school week...
Mon 9am to 12 pm: Corp project meeting with HH
        3.10pm to 5.30pm: SOA photoshoot(Haven't thought of what to wear)
Tues 9.30am to 12.30pm: FT Formal Western dining(Continue corp after that?)
Wed 9.30am-12.30pm: Visit to Barclay Capital(SIIP)
Thurs: Late night out with the girls(TBC)
Fri 2pm: Finance project meeting(Do corp before that??)

That's damn sad. My long awaited chill, slack, nua recess week. Haish. Shall bathe and prepare to go out and MUG since that's the most productive thing to do now.

P.S. Crazy, Stupid Love is still on

EEEEEEE*forced smile* Gonna adapt the attitude of shall do work since there's nothing else better to do. Can't wait to catch up with Chmel though:DD

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