

Friday, September 30, 2011


Recently, this thought kept popping up in my head. Am I pursuing my interest? Do I have a passion in Accountancy and Finance? Am I going the right way? Does passion really play a part in your results? Is my unsatisfactory results a result of making the wrong choice?

I am looking at the girl who started ohmyfruits with her mum. She looks so young. Not much other than me. Probably just graduated from university? Or probably just graduated from somewhere. What is she doing here? Shouldn't she have another proper job? Isn't this lil stall set up to pass time or just for fun? The same goes for the girl at the Tea Party. I love their food so I frequent this two stalls very often. This just kept me thinking. I got the same feeling when I met Alvin's cousin. He probably got the dream job of every guy; working with tyres and fast cars. He appeared to be really passionate in his job.

Not everyone is that lucky to be able to acquire their dream job and probably not everyone is brave enough to take the risk(monetary risk) to pursue their interest in this realistic society of Singapore. To be honest, I think my interest still lies in sciences... Medicine to be exact. Many questioned why I didn't apply then. I can never forget how much interest I have in that then. How I wanted so much to apply for it. But I guess I got a lil carried away when I consulted the elders, my ex-boss,... And the constant reminder of how I should be supporting my family in future after I graduate and studying medicine simply takes up too much time and money. Then again, I doubt I study for the sake of that. It's not my main concern. Being the eldest child in a single parented family and when everyone just got too carried away after I got my results. Unnecessary pressure and all lead me to this choice. Probably being the second child is the best. My sis stood by her choice and nobody came forward to offer her anything or wanted her to take up any responsibility. Not that I accepted that favour even though it's always there whenever I need it. No strings attached for now. My current results are not THAT bad but it can never meet my expectations and I wonder how I got to this stage. I study all the same. Maybe too much disappointment just make me lose all the confidence in myself. Everyone seems to do better than me... Everyone.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts. I don't hate what I am studying now and of course still striving hard to excel:DD

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