

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I don't know what I am doing now but recess sucks big time and I am not happy. I was looking forward to a real break with nothing on the back of my mind. But I rather be studying if I am to go out and do something on my own like reading a book or shooting. I just thought I could spend the recess week chilling, hanging out with friends or whoever and all but I am doing none of those and Wed is ending. I am really disappointed. This is not how I picture my recess week. Oh yeah. Home on a Wed night of recess when there's not a single paper after recess week. What have I become?

Went to Barclays Capital this morning. It's really an interesting and insightful trip but I am really tired of asking people questions, network and whatever. All suit up again but feeling okay since I pretty much got used to it. Wore another pair of skirt and it's surprisingly more comfy the the usual pair I always wear. Heels all the way without bringing my flats to change. Kinda panic in the morning when I went to the wrong building. Went to 1 Raffles Link, South tower instead of 1 Raffles Quay, South Tower and it was 9.46AM when I got there and realised that there's no Barcap's office. Totally scare the hell out of me. I am supposed to report at 9.50am and I just couldn't get a cab. Grhh. Luckily I just hop onto some random bus and asked the driver and it happens to stop at the building too. Got there at like 9.52am? Phew. Not too bad.

Rushed to school to sign the contract for SAAT after that. Elton is really nice to have allow me to sign the contract after the stipulated time. I couldn't make it cos of SIIP. At least all done for now.

Back home and stare at the excel sheet and waste time by taking my time to finish sth that could have taken up less of my time. Please. My brain. This is not recess. Just give me back that sense of urgency to study and complete all my tasks, revising all the mods and all(even when they are not urgent and all). I am just wasting time and I hate it. If I can't enjoy my recess week fully, then might as well treat it as a school week. I have been waking up with alarm clock for the longest time and just let it continue. I am so not going to treat this as recess and kept thinking about going out. It'll be so much better than stopping to think what should I do next, where should I go next, who should I ask to go out and all. THIS IS NOT RECESS WEEK. Okay. That's final. Waiting for Huihui to be done with her tuition and we just gonna finish our corp. Fullstop.

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