

Monday, December 5, 2011

Everyday with the boyfriend


I had my first experience of taking care of the boyfriend last Friday. Still met him in the end cos he felt better in the afternoon but his fever got worst and better again. Poor boy. He always fall sick after eating too much especially going to buffets and all. So it was movie marathon throughout the whole weekend and shopping for his exchange stuff and not forgetting church. But it was really fun to shop with boyfriend and his mum^^

Boyfriend is experimenting with cooking before he left for his exchange too. Had fun cooking with the boyfriend last night and more movies and Law and Order which is so freaky that I don't dare to go to the toilet myself. Haha.

Today marks the first day that I rollerblade without holding on to anybody's arms or the railings after lots of screaming of course. All thanks to the boyfriend.

Bought my Steve Jobs biography and I shall start on that after I finish the current Dan Brown book that I am reading. Aww. Looking at the days to come in Dec... I guess I really do get to spend lots of time with the boyfriend before he left. Like what he said... Technically speaking, he will only be away for 4 and a half months. So he'll be back real soon... Real soon.

Once I set my mind on getting something... I guess no one can ever change my mind.

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