

Friday, August 31, 2012


Hello people!

Here is how we look if we have HUGE EYES. 

I haven't been blogging properly for the longest time. && As you can roughly see from the above photos, I went for a haircut. But my hair is still as messy as ever:( Should I reborn my hair?

My life is pretty boring and mundane for the longest time. Life's so stable that I have nothing to talk about??? But projects are commencing soon. Conjunct workshop has also started and the case challenge deadline is next Friday night for slides and Sat for presentation. OMG. SAAT audit cycle gonna start again too. I'll be all burnt out in the coming week... maybe starting this Sunday. Hmm.

I enjoy meeting my girls so much. Listening to the new stuff going in their lives or about other close friends. Friends who didn't believe in r/s got attached, friends broke up unhappy, friends broke up and redeemed themselves,... I was really awe at how breaking up can make someone really happy and I am really happy for my friend. She's young and happy all over again... While I was so envious of my friends, I realised I am only 21. The mundane life I led makes me feel really old. Looking at myself in the mirror and constantly thinking about what makes me look so old and feel so old. It's so scary. Life can't get too comfortable and stable too early in life, at least not at our age. I miss all the excitement when going out, miss butterflies-in-the-stomach,...

I am weird.

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