

Monday, September 17, 2012

Audit woes

This is what happens whenever I open my audit textbook:(

Audit readings are so horrible. I take up to 6 hours per chapter. && Whenever I do audit readings, I'll sleep really early like 9+pm on Sat and 11pm last night-.- Even after I took so long to read everything, I can't recite the entire chapter for you. Sighs. Why is studying audit so different from doing a real audit report?:(

I must love audit readings!

Anyway, I was so tempted to get HVV's military blazer and a few dresses but decided not to. Haha. Partly because I sold my unworn(and couldn't fit cos they are the wrong size?) Lovebonito stuff on eBay? I really hope to get rid of the main bulk of it before I shop (and I still have a few new dresses that I haven't worn). And I should only get the stuff I really love. If I hesitate, it means that I don't really like that item. Haha.

If you know anyone who wants some Lovebonito items which I couldn't fit and which I listed here:

Please ask them to go to my page. Thanks!:DD

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