

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SEA Aquarium!

Went to the SEA Aquarium with the boyfriend last Thursday as it was his recess week! :D The aquarium were surprisingly crowded even though it was on a weekday! This post is gonna be really long with all the pictures of the lovely fishes... So enjoy!

One thing that you cannot miss in the aquarium is the shipwreck show! It provides such a good start to our whole aquarium experience!

While waiting for the shipwreck show to start....

Love giraffes! Had to take photo with them even though they are so high up! Can't believe that in ancient time the emperor actually ask people to fetch him back interesting creatures (eg. giraffes) and things back from all over the world. Poor giraffes :(
OOTD: TOS 2 piece playsuit.

HOHOHO. Sharks.

My most favourite Dory! I met Nemo in Thailand.

Finally a proper photo together this year with a proper camera!

Divers feeding the fishes. What a nice job to have:)

Oh hi, Mr Spongebob!

Weird looking fishes that face downwards all their lives.

A ghostly looking fish

Cute starfish trying to steal the limelight of the lovely fishes by sticking itself in the middle of the viewing area. Heh.

Can you spot the fishes?

They totally look like rocks!

These are shark eggs! Apparently one of them hatched the night before but we can't find it anywhere :/

The skinny fishes swim together all the time. I really wonder what's on their mind when they swim~

This big fish half buried in the sand is actually alive and breathing! It's quite sad that it has to live like that.

This fish is wanted!

Oh, this cute little fish kept eatting and spitting sand!

At one stop, we actually get to touch the starfish! They are so rough and prickly. It definitely didn't feel like jelly.

This tank of fishes are simply toooooo colourful!

These eels are half submerged in sand all their lives! Weird fishes aren't they?

This humongous crab kept picking his nose hair!

We even had a video of it! Too funny!

This fish has a sloppy name.

The jelly fish tanks are the most beautiful and yet, most deadly.

Cute lil mushrooms bouncing around~

After the jellyfish area, we went to rest at this HUGE display of fishes. The SEA Aquarium is soooo huge. It gets really tiring after awhile.

This black stingray with skeleton designs on his chest has its own groupies following him around everywhere!

It's so large and punky!

Leopard print stingray! <3

These fishes sure are fascinating!

These lobsters kept trying to climb on to this part of a shipwreck:

It's tail make it looks like a different type of fish

Pinocchio looking fish!

Really hope to visit the Adventure Cove soon when the bf has fully recovered from his lasik! I have never been to the Underwater World so this aquarium is quite an eye opener for me. I grew up watching my uncle rear all sorts of fishes and this is really an interesting experience. I wish there were dolphins though :/

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