

Monday, September 16, 2013

Krakow Day 1 - 18 Aug

Reached Krakow and make our way to Orange hostel to drop our luggage and wash up before making our way to the Salt Mine!

We only paid for one camera to go in and hence all the photos are with Jiayi. My camera don't take nice pictures in the dark anyway. The Salt Mine tour took about 2 to 3 hours. And plus the travelling time there from Krakow, it will easily take half a day. Do bring some food and water along too. There may be some stop point for a little break and of course you won't want to pay the tourist price for snacks!

The tour is really educational and I was quite impressed how well the entire mine is preserved. You can taste salt anywhere inside the salt mine as it is a layer on top of almost all the walls inside the mine.

We had some Poland food in the Salt Mine itself before we left the compound as we were far too hungry after the tour and the prices and taste for mains are surprisingly not bad. 

Somehow their cabbage tasted too sweet for my liking.

Back in the town of Krakow!

A little information board for the blind, which I feel is a really nice gesture. You see this quite often in Europe!

Slowly made our way to the main square and tada... Cloth Hall Market (didn't went in as we are going to cover that the next day)!

St. Mary's Basilica

I personally find pigeons really dirty. I don't understand why the locals and the tourists in Europe kept feeding them -.-

Krakow Royal Palace

Dinner at somewhere near our hostel - Rant.


Bacon and egg soup.

Polish dumplings tast and look like our shui jiao.

Orange hostel is the first hostel we stayed for our entire trip and boy... it was horrible. The toilets are dirty, the rooms are dusty and the common area too. It's located in a dodgy building that is not well-lighted at night or early in the morning. If you come back too late, it's really scary to make your way up. If possible, do book an airbnb or look for other hostels! The proximity of Orange hostel to the rail and bus station is great but other than that... I'll think, it's best to avoid this hostel.

It's time to filter the photos of the concentration camp :O

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