

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Brendan & Tiffany's beautiful wedding

(Photo taken from their Facebook group)

I attended B&T's wedding last Saturday and boy... it was so beautiful! I am so happy for them:D Their wedding is really simple and basic but surprisingly interesting! I love their photoshoot! I love the set of vintage ones the most. Her tailored Qi Pao is so beautiful that I just couldn't get it off my mind when she showed me the photos and I bought a similar piece off some online store. Of course it's not as pretty as hers and I doubt I'll even wear it. Haha. I thought I will get really bored during their wedding dinner but I weren't. The service of Marina Mandarin is unacceptable but other than that, everything is good. Their videos are so interesting.  Their ichiro video is just wow! Alvin was quite impressed by that too. Brendan was longboarding in it so I asked what Alvin wants to show people if we make that for our wedding then he said travelling??? I rather he film his wakeboarding adventures. Haha. I mean how is the videographer gonna film his travelling adventures?

I don't know if it's because I haven't attended any wedding dinner since I was Primary 4 or I get more emotional when I grow up. I was so touched on many occasions during the solemnisation ceremony and during the dinner itself. I drew many similarities to Tiffany's family. My family is quite like hers. Her wedding speech is my ideal wedding speech. Since I can't have a garden wedding or get married overseas, I'll want my wedding to be as simple, and yet beautiful, like hers too :)

Pictures under cut ^^

Alvin, his bro, sis-in-law and I went down much earlier before the solemnisation ceremony for a 'briefing'. Alvin and I are in charge of the Instax booth (which nobody actually came to our booth. We had to walk around to take photos. Lol. No briefing needed).

Everyone fussing around before the ceremony.

Managed to grab the opportunity to take some full length shots with Jaslyn and Alvin's mum amidst the hustle and bustle. Look at how beautiful Jaslyn is in her gown!

The three sisters!

Alvin's parents.

Uncle Max's bling bling Swarovski studded tie.

Uncle Ivan and Aunty Christy with our Instax booth props!

Happy family and cute Ethan with his frown.

I am really impressed by the Malaysian photographer!

I like all the gowns Tiffany wore that night. They are all so simple and elegant. Suits her personality. This is my fav! It comes with a rose bandeau design at the front.

Cute Ethan distracted by his iPad mini.

Wait till everyone is gone and tara... Finally a photo with the pretty bride!

I look so ridiculous awkward cos I was so afraid of stepping on her gown.

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