

Monday, May 20, 2013

The end is near... Not quite

Hi all! I am sick and my complexion is just... ugly. Anyway, I wore my one of my favourite basics out today. Cerulean blue is my current favourite colour.

Just spent 7 hours straight on Strategy Assignment and 1 more hour after dinner. That's all I did today :( Strategy and SMA have been the most dreadful and tedious modules of the semester with its ambiguous questions and outlines. I really hope I can do well for finals and I have to do well for its other components. I am STILL sick. Sadly. Fever suddenly struck me on Friday night when I have an important quiz on Saturday. I was so stressed out and being sick makes it worst. But the quiz goes better than the first quiz for me so I was pretty glad. I can't take any medicine in the day because I have never ending reports to rush and I need to study! Last week was quite a tough one for me. I cried to sleep the first few nights cos I can't sleep without the boyfriend around. Then the next I was sick and I cried because there's no one around to take care of me and the next I cried and the next... Ah. Never ending. But this week will be good. Just took some drowsy flu med and waiting for the effect to kick in:)

I ended last week by visiting my grandma with my lil bro, who is not so lil anymore:( We were chatting with this relative of an old lady next to my grandma's bed and she thought I was the younger sister. I don't know whether to feel happy about it or not??? Anyway, I don't like Ren Ci hospital at all. So many people sharing one ward and it's so warm! But there are no beds available at ttsh and the recovery centre, and Ren Ci was the nearest to ttsh for my grandma to do physio. Hospital food is bad enough and Ren Ci's the worst I have ever seen. It breaks my heart to see my grandma eating mostly only the rice and not the side dishes cos it was awful but she refused our offer to bring her food. I bought her a cake. Hopefully she did eat it at night when she was hungry. Really hope her leg will recover soon and she can go home and enjoy better food. She lost 4 kg so far after the ordeal:/ I had a great afternoon catching up with my bro too. He seems so different now. But I am glad that he made some friends and seems motivated to do well :D

That's all for my short update.
3rd of june is my first paper and my 4th, and also the last, paper ends on the 7th. Hope to be able to meet Weiqi and Jiayi to discuss our trip that night! Everything is coming too fast. I need to be well again to MUG HARD. Jiayou everyone! :)

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