

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prague Day 2 - 17 Aug 2013

We started the second day in Prague with a good breakfast at Cafe Jen as recommended by our host!

We thought this cafe is named after Jennifer but the waitress tells us that it can actually means Jennifer, a boy's name (Yen) or just.

This sugar made of espresso totally wow us and kept us nodding our head. It was meant to be used a coffee sugar but it's so fragrant that we had to use it to spread our bread and eat it on its own. It's soooooo good. Too bad it's handmade by them and not for sale :(

We really enjoyed our breakfast and thinking back, I think it was the best breakfast we ever had in our entire trip.

A really obedient dog waiting patiently outside the supermarket for its owner :')

Went back to our airbnb to pack up and check out before depositing our luggages in the railway station.

Head to the famous dancing house after settling our luggages:)

We are soooo thankful to this Jing Du Chinese Buffet. It was totally our guide in navigating everywhere after we crossed the Charles' bridge.

Bohemia Bagel for lunch!

Recommended by Tripadvisor but not really fantastic.

Back to Manufaktura to use the 14% discount voucher given to us when we shop there the day before. It's a Czech body care brand just like Body Shop but they have such unique scent and reasonably priced items, I really wished I could buy more but sadly, I was restricted by the baggage size:( Currently still using the products and the scent makes me so relax and ready for bed :)

Manufaktura has a range of mojito products that were so good and this kick start our mojito hunt ;)

Went to explore a little market near the bridge.

Trying to take a candid drinking-Czech-beer-in-the-afternoon shot but failed as usual. HAHA.

Prague famous love-lock bridge!

After Paris, I realised that any bridge that has metal grills can be a love-lock bridge. You just need someone to start chaining their locks on the bridge and everyone else will follow. Haha.

Little Thailand???

Huge doggie.

Posted my second round of postcards!

Spotted some awesome soccer busking.


We had enough of beef goulash and dumplings and settled for famous Italian food for the night :)

It's good so we have to have our pose again.

Chilled around the square for the night.

Ended the night with washing up in public toilets and catching the worst transport ever to Krakow - the Czech Railway. I didn't suffer the worst of it as I was totally concussed after my motion sickness pills but it was bad enough. I was telling all my exchange mates about the one day overnight transport, one day hostel experience and both of them were dumbfounded. It was the worst way to travel ever and I am so glad I never had to feel like some homeless person and do it ever again in my life. At least not during this exchange. We were discussing our trips during dinner just now and I wanted to squeeze more of Italy in 11 days but both of them were like no. They never want to take overnight transport as much as possible again after their overnight bus to Spain. Haha. Theirs was really nothing compared to my overnight transport experiences. Also, they want to really enjoy and experience each city so no rushing. I am so glad that we are all on the same page regarding travelling. If not, I'll foresee myself staying in Lisbon and probably travel on my own to all the nearby places.

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