

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Today marks my 87th day in Europe. I have exactly 73 days left before I go back to Singapore. I can't believe that I am more than halfway through my exchange and I am officially left with 4 weeks of school (less than that since I am skipping some)!

I woke up today at 6am because my Duffy accidentally touch the touchpad of my Mac and it shines on my face (oh yes, I fell asleep with my Mac on the bed almost every night). The happiest thing in a while happened!

I got both Korean and Spanish in the first round of BOSS. I can't describe how happy I am to be able to have the perfect timetable and work the rest of the week to save up for my grad trips. I went to school happily and everything was great until I head to CNAI Lisboa to attempt to extend my visa for the 2nd time. I waited for almost 3 hours and reckoned that it will never get to my turn before they close for the day and I left. That's it. I was literally raging even until night class. I wasted 3 hours of my precious time waiting there until I was having a headache so I just forced myself to go to school to at least learn something today. I know I need a high tolerance level in order to adapt and live in Portugal but I really couldn't take their inefficiencies. But it's fine... it's just another 73 more days... And the dinner at a homely Chinese restaurant near my school after my night class cheered me up. The waitresses there are always so friendly and nice even though the food is really mediocre. Tonight there was this really friendly Portuguese toddler who came up to me and hide beside my table to play peek-a-boo with me. Her eyes are so beautiful and she's so cute :D

I started in Lisbon really badly without my luggage and I came to realise that here is the opposite of everything I imagined in a bad way. To be honest, without Weiyi I will actually be quite miserable and be such a loner so I felt really blessed. Many friends commented that I am much happier now and I didn't even realised that myself. This exchange has made me understand myself even better and kind of freed my mind off a lot of grown-up issues. I am not trying to shirk any responsibilities as the eldest daughter and go all YOLO. I just realised that there's so much I can do, I am only 22! I might just want to pursue something that I can see myself happy doing. Things have not been going my way but there's always something that make the day/ week better for some reason and I have to count my blessings! I can say that the exchange makes me a slightly happier person. Now I just have to figure out what I want to do after graduation.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”   
Proverbs 3:5-6 

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