

Monday, November 4, 2013

London - 24 Aug 2013

We were greeted with a gloomy and rainy London. My friend warned me about the weather but I didn't know it's so bad.

Even without the rain, I feel that London has really changed so much over the past 5 years. It felt so different to be back again. && I'll say I had better memories of it back then...

Started our day in Camden Market. I initially planned to visit London entirely on my own but I guess things just didn't go my way and I had to change my bidding plans. I am extremely thankful to Jasmine and my bf to help me plan my timetable and bid for my exchange modules so I can travel at ease (':

Lunch at a Diner in Camden Market. Well.. I didn't really like Camden Market since it's like a Chaktuchak but priced the same value in pounds. I will recommend you to skip it.

Tower of London! I toured Tower of London 5 years ago so we skipped it this time round (JY&WQ don't really like to enter such places).

Tower bridge.

London bridge.

Seeked shelter here as rain got heavier. So many people were just resting here and drawing.

Borough Market!

Everyone have been raving about the roasted pork belly sandwich so I went straight for that even though I have no one to share with.

I roamed around on my own and found many people queueing outside this cafe - Monmouth.

As a typical Singaporean, I decided to join the queue and I asked a lady in front of me about the long queue and she told me that the coffee here is really good.

Well... this is the best coffee I ever had! The coffee is soooo fragrant. If I have a coffee machine, I'll definitely buy the coffee beans back. I'll try to come back here again when I visit London in Dec again;)

We spent the rest of the day just roaming around in the heavy rain. Nothing special. We were too full from our borough market trip and had cup noodles in our hostel at night :)

Brighton day trip next!

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