

Friday, August 20, 2010

chillax day:D

i am super lazy to blog.
so for updates' check out my facebook(:
update that every single day, especially im bored or trying to escape from the fact tht sch has realli started n i have to prepare for e lessons.

today went out early to queue for koi.
dunno why, when i see elderly queueing for it' i feel less guilty drinking it=X
after tht chiong-ed to sch to meet my ftbmates to pay for sweaters n meet david to pay for e freshmen bash tic.
i was e earliest once agn:/
after tht, i just follow amanda, tiffany n some other acc ppl for lunch though i ate already.
my lesson was at 1.45 n it was just 12+~
slack n chat with them for a while bfore meeting huihui to pay for her sweater n we wenta soss/soe to slack before AS starts.
glad to have her with me as usual(:

AS was ok.
e prof was pretty interesting but i do hope he can smile more?
after AS, i wenta meet dawn n joshua outside mr bean.
was planning to go mind's cafe.
bt i was craving for e rochor tawhuay's egg tart n dawn was hungry too.
so we just went there to eat n chill while waiting for others to join.
i forgot to bring my cam out cos i was in a rush):
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~! so there's no photos to post:/

angeline met us after a while.
joshua was super funny cos he cant multitask.
we slacked there until around 6 before going to play nation.

had fun at play nation.
finally get to play e raving ratbits after so long~
miss e gathering at ms ye's hse.
whenever i see wii, i'll rmb ms ye=X
dunno why.
guess who i met at play nation?
just met xiangzhi last fri when i was walking to bishan mrt stn.
kinda miss zishan, jennifer n ivy @just:/

had dinner with joshua, calvin, jeremy n zack.
e rest went off earlier.
wanted to leave early.
bt ahhh.
forget it.
realli enjoy hanging out with A4.
it's gonna get super stress from next week onwards.

phuture tmr ppl?=X
love make me blind~

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