

Monday, February 14, 2011

Had TWC.
Our dearest Prof Fan was not here and a guest speaker is here to take over him.
The guest speaker and TA were trying to scare us and get us to pay attention in class(Erms, I suspect so?) and warned us that whatever he taught that day will be tested during exams.
I did pay attention as it's kinda getting relevant to what's TECHNOLOGY, WORLD, CHANGE and business after all these weeks.
Something I love about that lesson is that there's NO GROUPWORK! Yippeeee. Ok. I shall look forward to that for the coming one tomorrow(It's Monday now.)

Mona came down to give us a training before we execute our ltb project.
I didn't know there are so many details to take note when we are interacting with them but don't know why, I am kinda looking forward to it(:

After LTB meeting, mugged a bit before meeting Gen to send Ruby off.






Gen is really cute when she's driving.
I sat in her car once.
That was when we went for ladies night with Szehan and stayover at her house many months back.
Hahaha. She looked too serious but really very thankful for the right so that we can send rambutan off in time:D:D
She has a lot of church friends!
It's as though we were sending off some idol or movie star. Haha.
Ruby! You'll be missed! Hope to see ya soooooon:D:D

I had my last day of work at Glassroom.
I wasn't too happy working there and there's so much to do now so I decided to quit.
Hmms. It was kinda irresponsible but oh well...
Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the last day of work.
Talked a lot more to Shannon and Peiyu,...
It was really fun.

After work, wenta meet my ceetee mates for ceetee meeting.
They are seriously very awesome and creative.
We decided on what to do for our quiz and sandwich real fast and I get to go gym by 330 but Gen had meeting till late.
So I ended up jogging on my own and everything.
Gen only reached when I went to bathe.
Bathed and got ready for interview for Convocation org comm.
The interview was alright.
Ada was so friendly.
Hmms. Don't know if I'll get it but worth a try.
It beats not participating in any school activities at all.

Mugged at sob while waiting for Alvin.
Went to The Cathay to have dinner.
He showed my his GF2.
I should start saving up for a smarter camera though I really love my current one:D

Collected my Birks from Yongqiang.
I was kind of surprised that he gave me such a pretty paper bag.
Ivan definitely didn't bother about that when he passed to him the Birks.

Wenta Raffles City to look for Alvin's belt.
I doubt it's gonna be easy for him to find the right one. Haha.

Home sweet home.

It's the mad rush Thursday again.
I started the day pretty badly with my atrocious MA tests results.
I expected that but it's 10%.
It still hurts somehow):

Oh, Alvin went for his Pizza Hut commercial shoot.
Can't wait to see that.

I enjoyed ceetee lesson today!
Handed in my hardwork:
It was our grp's turn to present our quiz.
Ours was short and sweet.
Not too much frills as the all the previous few groups but it's still alright I guess?
We had our sandwich making!
Our prof love the sandwich from our group. Hahahaha.
It's all thanks to Shou yee who came out with that 'wonderful' story about dragon heart. LOL!
We are supposed to make a sandwich with a dragon theme and apply a force fit technique.


It was sooooo fun:D:D:D

After ceetee, Huihui and I went to have our strictly pancakes:D
It's like FINALLY:D
We kept wanting to try it but I hurt my feet and she was sick.
Here it goes:





We tried that savoury ones cos I heard many people saying that it's nicer than the sweet ones.
I had 'Chicken A La King' and Huihui had 'Snuggle up'.
It's really too filling. Gah. Felt so fat after eating that.
We went back to school together.
She went for her her stats lesson and I went to meet Jasmine to get the case materials for twc.
Mugged on my own before meeting Olivia for our usual Frolick date(:
I didn't had dinner cos I was too full from the pancakes and Olivia didn't feel like eating then.
We reached our class early for the first time.
Lesson was pretty chill. Had 2 presentations and a short little lecture.
Olivia and I were totally hungry after lesson and went onto a series of laughing fits.
We walked from place to place and finally decided on eating a PS Starbucks since there weren't much of a choice.
The counter staff was very nice. Really thankful for that.
Enjoyed Olivia's company every Thurs:D
Hope things goes well for her:D

Mugged and met Weiqi and Angelina.
Angelina wanna get some scrapbooking stuff for vday and I wanna shop for a gift too.
Angelina can't stand long hours of shopping.
I did wenta quite a few places before meeting them but I can't find anything.
Luckily I still managed to get it:D
Mugged again.
I really don't know how to prepare for blaw mid terms:/

SATURDAY(Can post it now since it's already in his hands:D) :
Only had 1 tuition as Jeremiah cancelled on me.
After that rushed to NTUC to get all the ingredients and rushed to Weiqi's house to bake.
Really thankful for her guidance and her baking equipment!:D:D
Oh! && Yu En has seriously grown up!
The last time I met her, she is just a baby!
She can totally run around and call people now?
I love how she smiles and points at me.
But don't call me auntie though Weiqi is her gugu.
My Blueberry Wholemeal Muffins are quite a success.



Weiqi said it's not bad for a first-timer and her sister-in-law commented that they are pretty. Hehe. Happyhappy. *hophops around*
(Anyway, Alvin said some of them are undercooked and they are indeed not sweet enough. Oh well... Shall improve on that next time)

Yuankai came to pass us the stuff he got for us from Japan.
I prefer his current hairstyle. Haha! No more ah-wang-like hairstyle!
Hitched a ride back home to drop all my stuff before going back to school to mug while waiting for Alvin.

He kept taking photos of them.
They didn't look pretty in the box though. Glad that he is happy with his Pre-Valentine's present:D
Didn't really mug much after that.
Just chill in sch, went get tauhuay as dinner(Erms, the timing made it supper instead:/) and went home.


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