

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Handed in my TWC report.
LTB Leadership presentation.
Didn't expect my groupmates to dress so formal.
But I am in the middle range. Hehe.
Jocelyn and Ishleen were in smart casual.
Stay in school till late to rush project.

Rush blaw && twc report.
CT meeting.
Medical checkup.
Dr. Wee asked for my weight.
He don't believe that I gain so much weight.
Weigh myself: 51.3kg :O
Will only see him 1 year later:D:D

Went back to school to continue with twc report before meeting Qi for dinner before her job interview.
I have never heard of Cookie Museum@esplanade.
Googled and it's some atas cafe.
Weiqi don't like it though.
Hope she can get a job soon:D
Totally freaked out after listing to Weiqi what I got to complete by that night and I rushed home to rush all the reports again.
Oh, not forgetting that I did attempt to do my blaw reading until I couldn't take it anymore.

MA: Depressing results.
CT: It was the first lesson ever that I actually tried to listen but I fell asleep unknowingly.
Got addicted to imitating Richard Mak after Shouyee did it during our CT meeting.
Huihui was so amused. LOL.
Anyway, I seriously think Prof went to do Lasik! No spects for 2 weeks in a row so far.
Went to give tuition, collect photos, went back to school to continue reading for blaw, then blaw lesson.

Had Blaw meeting in the morning.
Met Alvin after that.
He's running a fever:/

Oh, straight after meeting, got Alvin to help me open my locker but we struggled there for quite sometime before I dropped my blaw tb in and we went for lunch, mug, and he left for his jc gathering.
I went home to rush my TWC report~

Came to school early in the morning.
Continue to rush my TWC report.
I totally dozed off in front of my laptop screen again.
I think it's cos I force myself to wake up at like 5.45am everyday and I slept at 1+am?

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