

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Sunday

Met Angelina and Wilfred for church and she was using her underwear joke again.
Wilfred looks so funny when she said that. Haha.
Love their purple slippers.
8.30am service was surprisingly crowded and some kids were actually doing English exam papers and playing DS while Pastor Prince was preaching. Like erms...
Service ended very late yesterday but at least still early to make my way to amk to meet Ziting<3

Met Ziting<3 at amk hub for lunch.
Haven't seen her for a looooooooooooong time.
Met her once after her poly exams and that was a few months back.
Didn't bring my camera but it's summers now! We can meet up much much more often:D:D
Enjoy catching up with her:D:D

After meeting ziting<3, train-ed and bus-ed to NTU.
Okay. It's not too bad this time round cos I was sleeping on the train during the whole journey there while lying on some strangers' shoulder-.-
Just scared that somebody will accidentally hit my arms and I'll definitely scream in their face=X(jp is always crowded)
Hate injections and I am going for bloodtest this week again. Is it tomorrow or Friday? No sms notification yet so it's not tomorrow for sure. Ahhh. Gonna ask my mum.
Clueless about all my medical checkup dates. Not interested in that either.
Just gonna go, stretch out my arm. and "Go ahead, draw my blood."
Oh yaaaa... I need to know my bloodtype(I still don't know my bloodtype-.-).

Digged out a NTU map from sis' pile of uni pamphlets yesterday && looking stupid holding it on the bus with NTU peeps staring at  me.
Oh well, it's not as though I gonna see them anywhere again. LOL.
Alvin was studying at the reading room and I joined him there.
I was just scribbling and doodling on the notebook Huihui gave me for my birthday(I reallyreally love it. Heh heh), read my fortune mag and healing power given by the church, tweet,...
I thought I'll be going home before meeting Ziting so not well-equipped with stuff to do.
I don't want to disturb him but he seemed so bothered that I'll feel bored.
Felt a lil bad going to find him. Hmmshmms.
Watched Despicable Me on his Mac before dins @jp.
How can I diet when I am with him?^^
Just gonna run more. Only ran last Tues. Too busy going out to chill and meet up with friends. Oops.

My first xiao long bao experience.
Don't ask me why I never eat xiao long bao before. I don't know why either.
Okay. I never try a lot of food before but I don't find a need to. I am a boring eater. Don't even eat that much.

I love dim sums and dumplings and chinese desserts actually but uhh... Just not too much.
I lost my will to diet but I guess it isn't a bad thing. My body is almost back to normal except for gastric pain and erm... For the most important one, I'll only know after the bloodtest.
Oh well, need motivation to continue running that's all:D

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