

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Last week was totally crazy for me. I got into round 2 interview of SMIF and I was supposed to do an investment call on Breadtalk in less than 5 days. I forgot most of the stuff I learnt in FA and MA. Everything looks so foreign. I had a really hard time trying to recall how to do financial analysis while trying to do other analysis base on the methods given on investopedia. It was so so so challenging. I presented on Sat. I didn't even get to finish presenting half of what I prepared due to the time constraint but at least they allow me to elaborate a lil on other parts I didn't get to present during the Q&A. Hopefully I do stand a chance to be in SMIF. It was really a lot of hardwork especially when FT assignment is due on last Fri. I was totally overwhelmed by the sudden tremendous increase in workload. Didn't really get to sleep on Thurs and Fri cos of this. I am so glad that it's over && so thankful for love's help along the way. I was totally spamming his mailbox at 3am while he's asleep with my excel sheets when my fair value of the shares were too far off. Haha. In the end I figured out what's wrong myself. SMIFSMIF. Hope it turns out well.

I went for Panda Gathering for a while on Tues @republic poly. I met Avelyn at Causeway point before we made our way to RP. It was such a coincidence. Avelyn participated in Youth made it & she just graduated from SMU&&she was from SAJC too. Hahahaha. She just happened to be there due to work obligations but I was really happy to meet someone I barely know twice. That sense of familarity... 

I didn't stayed long && I met love after that. He always like to insist that I decide on where to go, where to have our meals,... Cos I'll always say "Anything." That's because I AM REALLY FINE WITH ANYTHING. So I told him I was craving for popiah. He really bring me around to look for nice popiah. At first we went to Bukit Batok but the storeowner disappeared-.- Then we went to some place at Jurong next. Lucky us got our popiah in the end&& dear really ask the person to not add beansprouts. I really hate beansprouts but I'll just cover my nose or try not to breathe when I am eating food that MUST have beansprouts. I never knew I can eat popiah without beansprouts and then I had it. Haha. Felt so loved when he insists that the person don't add beansprout. Haha. 

Had SMIF interview on Sat and actually have the time to shop for a tiny while before going home to nap for 1 hour and start on MS. 

Smurf-y with love on Sat night. Initially I thought the movie is going to turn out to be very boring and I'll probably dozed off during the movie but nooooooooo. It's a totally different Smurf. Haha. Love it. The effect in 3D must be really great. We caught it in 2D but it's good enough:D:D 
la la la la la la~ Sing a happy song. la la la la la la~ Smurf the whole day long:)

Love came to my house after church on Sunday and I think it was real funny cos my mum is the shy and quiet type so naturally she won't dare to speak much to people she's not familiar with && especially my boyfriend. Love was telling me that my mum didn't look him in the eyes at all && sis just told me bout what mum told her after that. She was totally freaking out when I told her that Alvin wants to meet her. Haha. She's so cute. Actually nothing much. Just had brunch at my house and we went to his house to mug. 

Unglam mugginess.
Love how we know how to prioritise and can still study pretty well when we are around each other.

Team Mamily made it for Youth Made It round 2 but it falls on 23rd September. Both love and I have got mid terms! I probably have to give Ivan's birthday party a miss too): Olivia and yiyang gonna find substitutes for us for the race. Hope Team Mamily can make it for the 3rd round! Both love and I can definitely go for that.

Long day tomorrow in school. && MY BB JUST DIED AS I WAS DOING THIS POST. TELL ME HOW?:(:( I have got SAAT interview in the morning, followed by proper business formal photo shoot at noon with Huihui, some probability of having Corp meeting before AIS lesson at 1530 && my day is only gonna end at 2215 tmr. BB Y YOU NO HAVE SIGNAL?? Gonna use a non smart phone for the time being:(

Finding someone who can accept you as who you are and tearing those walls down.

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